Workout for the Soul (2001)
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Workout for the Soul – 8 steps to inner fitness
by Chrissie Blaze
- USD $14.95
- GBP £9.99
- Who you are, why you are here and where you are going
- Ways to enhance your sensitivity and creativity
- Keys to manifest your intuition throughout your life
- How to unlock your Divine potential (the great psychic and spiritual powers within you)
- How to use the magical secrets of affirmation, visualization and prayer to transform your life and help others
- Methods of spiritual healing from a distance
- How to become more dynamic, and magnetically alive
- More about your soul and techniques to experience its riches
Chrissie Blaze is a spiritual teacher, media personality, astrologer and Aetherius Society Minister. For over 25 years she was a student of Dr. George King whose revolutionary teachings inspired this book.
Softback; 168 pages.
Recommended to the beginner and anyone interested in spiritual self-improvement.
Extract 1, Page 24
Our physical bodies are extremely important as the temples of the soul, the vehicles in which we live and gain experience. We should respect this brilliant, complex “machine” – our physical body – through correct breathing, diet and exercise. If you regard your body in this way, you will feel a certain reverence and love towards your body that will definitely help you in Step One.
(Preparing the Temple of your Soul)
Extract 2, Page 48
The mind is by its nature unsteady and constantly affected by what we see, hear, feel, etc., every minute of the day. When we begin to concentrate our minds, we will find that our breathing automatically becomes deeper and slower. When we have bad news that causes us to feel sad or angry, we should notice that our breathing tends to become irregular, the opposite of the slow, smooth flow of breath when the mind is calm. This proves our mind and breath are interdependent. Each is unable to act independently of the other. Correct breathing gives us physiological and psychological balance. This is such an important fact that you should write down the following words in your journal for constant reference: My mind affects my breath, my breath affects my mind.
(Harmonizing with the Breath of Life)
Extract 3, Page75
This technique, called the samayama, consists of concentrating and contemplating a person or attribute that is noble in some way. During the samayama, or contemplation on greatness, you actually acquire an aspect of that attribute yourself. For example, if you feel fearful about having to speak in public, you may wish to contemplate person who is extremely brave and fearless. You would consider the positive qualities of courage until you actually feel the qualities filling you. Certainly, if the person was great enough you should be able to do this. In fact, the greater the person, the better the result of this contemplation practice.
(Contemplation on Greatness)