Become a Builder of the New Age
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Become a Builder of the New Age
By Dr. George King
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A series of Cosmic Transmissions given by The Master Aetherius and The Master Jesus through the mediumship of Dr. George King, explaining that the prophesied New Age of peace and enlightenment will only come about on Earth if people work hard enough to make it happen. Also includes a beautiful prayer for spiritual strength to enable us to be of greater service to others.
Booklet; 12 pages.
Recommended to anyone seeking direct, forthright wisdom.
From page 6:
My friends, there is only one way the New Age can come and can endure that is by man working full time for his neighbour! There is not another way. The Cosmic Plan is being, shall we say, held up slightly by certain highly evolved Intelligences now on Terra, who want to soften the blow of a great catastrophe. These highly evolved Intelligences are suffering sheer hell — the type of hell which none of you know the slightest thing about yet, so that the Karma of man may be balanced in such a way as to soften the tremendous blow which would come, were these Intelligences to leave you to your own blundering devices.
To take only one incident, if I may partially digress for the moment, Operation World Healing. Only a handful out of eleven million thought a second thing about this, though eleven million were told in a way that they could at least recognize the danger that scores of people upon Terra would perish if they did not Pray most fervently and send out Healing Power. That one incident, besides your wars and carnage through history, that one incident alone could bring to you the type of catastrophe which would make you reel for twenty lives!
From pages 9-10:
So, in the coming year, great opportunities will be given to you. You will be watched most carefully. You will be given the chance to prepare yourself to be one of the minority ready to go forward as the builders of the New Age, or you will be a failure and join the comfort-loving, Truth-shirking masses. That is the Message for 1964! It is a Message which should fill you with tremendous fire, great vitality and you should see that the Powers that be are getting a move on and are speaking to you in a way that you can plainly understand, no matter who you be. You should recognize this as a chance to prove yourselves. Because, my friends, you will be given this chance and it will be up to you whether you take it or leave it. You will always be allowed to exercise your so-called freewill. You can choose whether or not you will suffer limitation or whether you will start training now to be a builder of the New Age. Remember what I said. For the most part The New Age will be built up from the very soil, and only the true builders, the men of courage, the men of determination, the men who can tear themselves away from their comfortable armchairs, who can boldly go out into a winter night, who can shut, with determination, that confounded, hypnotic drugging box, the television set, off once and for all, are the men who will be wanted.
Choose whether you will be one of the masses or one of the builders. If you are one of the masses, you will be reborn upon another younger world and there, I might tell you, you will have a much more difficult job than building The New Age on your Earth.
So, if you are wise, if you are truly practical, you will give these statements your most earnest consideration.
That is the crux of my Message at this time. It is a Message, as a few of you will agree, of great HOPE, because it promises great opportunity.