Quotes on SERVICE

SERVICE, SERVICE, SERVICE – is the key which opens the doors to all powers, to all forms of Enlightenment – SERVICE TO OTHERS!

The Master Aetherius
Cosmic Voice; Issue 25

Service is the great key, the great yoga, the great practice, the great Christianity, the great religion.

Mars Sector 6
Cosmic Voice; Issue 25

In every single contact that we have made with a Terrestrial, we have pointed out that it is Service to others which counts above all things.

The Master Aetherius
Cosmic Voice; Issue 25

Pray and work in such a way that your Love may be sent to the far ends of the Earth. You will not do this sitting in the comfort of your home.

The Master Aetherius
Cosmic Voice; Issue 25

As fire cannot exist without fuel, neither can the Flame of Love within the heart of man live without expression. True expression is service and service is donation through unselfish effort.

The Master Jesus
Cosmic Voice; Issue 24

If ever there was an inhabited planet which needed the slogan ‘Service to Others’, that planet is Terra!

Mars Sector 6
Cosmic Voice; Issue 22

Tell your co-operators that they are not just pawns in some gigantic game of chance but each one is an essential part of a great Cosmic Plan, specifically designed to bring about the evolution of their world.

Martian Member of The Supreme Council
Cosmic Voice; Issue 19

Know that there are not two ways open to you. There is but one way – that is to get back to the Laws given to you by numerous different teachers, throughout the ages. Teachers who have sacrificed heavenly bliss – as you would call it – on your behalf.

The Master Aetherius
Cosmic Voice; Issue 18

Salvation is a reward for service. Gone are the days when a man upon Terra is considered right when he divorces himself from humanity as a whole and spends his life in private devotion and meditation.

The Master Aetherius
Cosmic Voice; Issue 18

Act – that tomorrow’s sun may rise upon the start of a new and wonderful millennium and not upon a broken, dying planet.

Mars Sector 6
Cosmic Voice; Issue 16

Never in the history of any Planet within the Solar System have so few life-streams been offered such a divine opportunity as that now offered to the good, right-thinking, open-minded men upon Terra.

Mars Sector 6
Cosmic Voice; Issue 14

By your SERVICE you can throw a dazzling beam of scintillating white vibrant energy into the darkness of a suffering world – and raise it.

Mars Sector 6
The Nine Freedoms

Break away from your own troubles by concentrating upon the suffering of others.

Mars Sector 6
The Nine Freedoms

A thousand years ago it was Meditation in the Silence, which was the Spiritual order. Today, it is Service in the noise, Service in the clatter, Service in the foulness, in the smell, in the ignorance of mankind.

The Master Aetherius
Cosmic Voice; Issue 25 & From Freewill to Freedom

This [i.e. Service] is the Great Key, the great Yoga, the great Practice, the great Christianity, the great Religion.

The Master Aetherius
Cosmic Voice; Issue 25 & From Freewill to Freedom

Service is the result of applied Spiritual logic. It is the lasting flower in the garden of Enlightenment. Service is the Jewel in the Rock of Attainment.

Mars Sector 6
The Nine Freedoms

One person who is rendering true Spiritual SERVICE, not self delusion, but true Spiritual SERVICE to those who need it, is worth ten who retreat from the suffering of others in order to bring about a state of joy and peace within themselves.

Mars Sector 6
The Nine Freedoms

Recommended listening

Service and Prayer

The Third Freedom – Service