More quotes of the Masters


Mars Sector 6
Cosmic Voice; Issue 26

You stand today upon the crossroads of glory or limitation.  You stand today – as chooser.

Mars Sector 6
Cosmic Voice; Issue 25

There is no political system which has ever been adopted, or can ever be adopted, which will help Terra one bit.

The Master Aetherius
Cosmic Voice; Issue 25

This is your greatest hour, your greatest opportunity. Seize it and put your hand into the hand of your Creator.

Mars Sector 8
Cosmic Voice; Issue 21

Pain is the greatest teacher but it is not the only teacher.

Mars Sector 6
Cosmic Voice; Issue 18

You can never learn much from the mighty fields of Space or the dwellers therein, until you have learned how to put in order your own physical, mento-psychic and psycho-spiritual affairs.

Mars Sector 6
Cosmic Voice; Issue 18

We strongly advise Terrestrial man to expend all his available energy on putting right his own world before he attempts any infiltration into the other worlds in the Solar System.

Mars Sector 6
Cosmic Voice; Issue 18


Mars Sector 6
Cosmic Voice; Issue 17

God expects more from those who are nearer to Him, than He expects from those more involved.

Mars Sector 6
Cosmic Voice; Issue 17

It is written in your holy works, that if you let your light shine before you, men will see this. Not only will they see it but they will be drawn into the circle of its illumination.

Mars Sector 6
Cosmic Voice; Issue 17

If the men of Terra do not change shortly for the better, they will hold up the evolution of the planet as an entity. At this very moment you should be able to withstand the cosmic bombardment from the visible and invisible suns, without having to filter this through an ionospheric layer but you cannot do this – you would perish.

Mars Sector 6
Cosmic Voice; Issue 17

You have a wonderfully fabricated transmitting set upon your shoulders. Not only a place to shove food into but a wonderfully balanced transmitting set – your brain. Will you not use it as such? And radiate outwards the messages given by the Great Ones.

The Master Aetherius
Cosmic Voice; Issue 16

You can only be assisted in the degree that you are willing to assist yourselves.

The Master Aetherius
Cosmic Voice; Issue 16

Communism as practised in Russia and by her satellites will be overthrown. (11 February 1958)

The Master Aetherius
Cosmic Voice; Issue 15

Two wrongs will never make one right. A wrong cannot be overcome by another wrong. You have as an end result, the addition of these two wrongs. But one wrong can be nullified by a greater right and this is provable basic common logic – provable by even a few moments of perusal of your history books. One hour’s true meditation upon this one statement will change your life forever. Three hours concentration upon it will change your life forever. This is one of the Truths of the Universe.

The Master Aetherius
The Aetherius Society Newsletter – 1966, Volume 5; Issues 18 – 20

Rise, oh Earth. Rise, oh Earth. Rise, oh sweet brothers of Earth, into Light. Gaze not, oh my brothers, upon your self-imposed limitations but rise above them.

Jupiter Sector 92
Cosmic Voice; Issue 11

Terra [i.e. Earth] is a great classroom to which pupils have come to learn many lessons.

Mars Sector 6
The Nine Freedoms

Be good, be tolerant, be kind, be merciful, be gentle, be humble and you will be great.

The Master Jesus
The Twelve Blessings

How many times have I watched the beautiful auric emanations from a little child who could not even recite the alphabet – beautiful they were. They impregnated all who came into contact with that little child. Even the trees exchanged auric emanations, as it walked in the woods. I noticed the flowers themselves exchanged vibrations with that little child as it passed. There was no great conscious intelligence there but something greater – something very much greater. That little child had not yet suffered the poisonous touch of materialistic conditioning.

The Master Aetherius
Cosmic Voice; Issue 11

Like Jesus, I, myself, come as a revolutionary. He most certainly was one. If you fit exactly into the rut forged by the group soul, then you agree with the masses. You cannot do any good unless you disagree with them and become an enlightened individualist. Prove it by reading your history books. It is so in all parts of the Milky Way. Of course it is.

The Master Aetherius
Cosmic Voice; Volume 1

The theory of the East and practice of the West is the perfect union; that is what we are trying to bring about in the New Age.

The Master Aetherius
You Are Responsible!