What we do
The Aetherius Society is very active in giving spiritual service in a number of different ways. Here are some of the things we do:
Cosmic Missions
The five Cosmic Missions performed by The Aetherius Society are the most important aspect of our work. Each of these involves direct cooperation with advanced extraterrestrial intelligences known as Cosmic Masters, although no physical contact with these beings is required for the missions to be performed successfully.
Operation Prayer Power
In the Cosmic Mission known as Operation Prayer Power members and sympathizers meet on a regular basis and chant mantra and visualize spiritual energy being directed towards an individual who is praying in very dynamic fashion. The person praying is in turn directing this energy into a spiritual energy battery – a special piece of apparatus which can store spiritual energy for release in times of need to bring about healing, peace and upliftment.
Anyone sympathetic to the Society’s beliefs is welcome to observe an Operation Prayer Power charging session, but to take part a small amount of training is required.
The Society organizes regular pilgrimages to holy mountains. Pilgrims come together to send out spiritual energy to the world as a whole, their prayers being highly potentised because of the energy contained within the holy mountain.
Twelve Blessings Services and Power Circles
Twelve Blessings services usually last an hour and involve mystic visualization, dynamic prayer and the chanting of mantra, as well as the practice of The Twelve Blessings itself. We also send absent healing, through mantra and visualization to people who have requested it.
If you would like to request absent healing yourself, please contact your local center.
Power circles are very similar, but do not always include absent healing, and, as the name would suggest, involve a seating arrangement either of a circle or semi-circle.
Divine Services
These usually involve mystic visualization, dynamic prayer and the chanting of mantra. A recording of one of The Twelve Blessings is normally played, as well as an address by Dr. King or by a Minister, Priest or Bishop. They generally last one hour.
New visitors sympathetic to the Society’s beliefs are always very welcome.
Lectures and workshops
Certain experienced Members of the Society give lectures and workshops on a wide variety of subjects, including spiritual healing, extraterrestrial life, UFOs, karma, reincarnation, spiritual energy, prayer, yoga philosophy, yoga breathing, enlightenment, psychic development, intuition, the Mother Earth, holy mountains, Ascended Masters, meditation, numerology, pendulum dowsing, positive thinking and kinesiology.
These are often a good starting point to familiarize yourself with the Society’s beliefs.
The Aetherius Society holds commemoration services to celebrate some of the most significant cosmic events in recent history, such as the Primary Initiation of The Mother Earth on July 8th, 1964. Such commemorations give reverence and power to these important happenings.
Most commemoration services are open to non-members sympathetic to the Society’s beliefs, and offer an excellent opportunity to learn more about the events being commemorated.
Spiritual healing

Spiritual healers in action
As well as absent healing, the Society offers contact healing. This is given free of charge, though donations are always welcome.
Each session has to be booked by appointment at one of our centers and lasts around half an hour. It is based on an understanding of the flow of spiritual energy through the major chakras and the aura.
This is not faith healing, and belief by the patient in the technique is not required for it to have a positive impact on them , though this may help. While there are countless instances of excellent results of this method of healing, no guarantees can be given, and professional medical care should always be sought where necessary in addition to receiving this complementary treatment.
Find out more
To enquire about any of the above please contact your local center.