Blog/Podcast Archives: The Spiritual Freedom Show
#67 – Why I Chose The Spiritual Life (with Paul Nugent)
An advanced soul needs more than short-lived happiness or material fulfilment.They need purpose.This week, Paul Nugent reflects on a crossroads in his own life.What path are you taking?Career ambition? Or a life devoted to spirituality – most of all, service to others? Join international bestselling author…
More >>#66 – Why I Believe In Spiritual Aliens (with Darren Ball)
Are we really alone in the universe? Or is the universe in actual fact teeming with intelligent life? And if it is, where are all these aliens? In this week’s podcast, I reflect on intelligent extraterrestrial life. Not just in distant star systems millions of…
More >>#65 – Why It Matters To Be Brave (with Julian Rosser)
Thank you for tuning in to the Spiritual Freedom Show! We’d love your feedback on our new format, which now includes a special guest on the show each week to share some of their own insights and experiences that can inspire you in your journey…
More >>#64 – Personal Stories Of Spiritual Service (with Gino Scialdone)
We’ve been changing things up on the Spiritual Freedom Show! Each week we are inviting a special guest onto the show – someone who lives and practices the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms in their everyday life. Tune in for personal insights, reflections and experiences…
More >>#63 – What Saturn Taught Me About Our Destiny (with Lisa Rosser)
We’ve been making some exciting changes to the Spiritual Freedom Show! Each week we’ll be inviting a special guest onto the show – someone who lives and practices the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms in their everyday life. Tune in for insights, observations and personal…
More >>#62 – How To REALLY Escape The Matrix – And Find Spiritual Freedom (with Mark Bennett)
We’re making some exciting changes to the Spiritual Freedom Show! Each week we’ll be inviting a special guest onto the show – someone who is doing their best to live their life according to the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms. Tune in every Saturday to…
More >>#61 – The Missing Ingredient In Every Religion On Earth
In 1961, Master of Yoga Dr. George King was giving a lecture on The Nine Freedoms when he said this:“That is why every religion will fail, and that’s a prophecy… It must completely fail, because of that one major thing it’s lacking—it’s missed out. It…
More >>#60 – A Secret Of Spiritual Detachment
In spiritual teachings from around the world we are told to detach from various things on the path to Enlightenment, like materialism, ego, etc. In this week’s episode: In The Nine Freedoms, specifically the Fifth Freedom – Cosmic Consciousness – we are told one of…
More >>#59 – What A Spiritual Master Knew About Ascension
The next step after Cosmic Consciousness is Ascension.Most people talking about Ascension simply have no idea what they are talking about. Most of all, they vastly underestimate what an incredible realization of your Divine potential it is – and what we need to do to…
More >>#58 – Can You Attain Cosmic Consciousness In This Life?
Cosmic Consciousness is a state in which you experience the greatest state of oneness achievable by mortals on Earth – a state in which time is virtually non-existent. It is “the real beginning of Freedom” – and a step we will all take on our journey to…
More >>#57 – How To Attain Cosmic Consciousness
Cosmic Consciousness is the highest state of consciousness we can experience on Earth – a state in which you experience your oneness with the Cosmos…! This state is not only possible, it is also our destiny. Mars Sector 6 tells us Cosmic Consciousness“is not some…
More >>#56 – The Lords Of The Sun
Every atom, every amoeba, every rock, every plant, and every animal throughout the universe is conscious to one degree or another. Even planets and stars – like our Earth and the Sun of our Solar System – are living entities in their own right. The greatest beings in the…
More >>#55 – The Perfects of Saturn – The Gods of the Gods (Part 2)
The other planets in our Solar System are teeming with intelligent life. Millions of years more spiritually evolved than us, these civilizations live on higher planes of existence that our science cannot yet detect. No planetary civilization in this system is more advanced than the…
More >>#54 – The Perfects of Saturn – The Gods of the Gods (Part 1)
On Saturn and other planets in our Solar System there are civilizations millions of years more advanced than ours that live on higher levels of physical existence. This existence is something our science cannot yet detect but one day it will.The Beings on Saturn are,…
More >>#53 – The Spiritual Powers Of The Ascended Masters
An Ascended Master is someone with colossal physical, mental, psychic and spiritual powers we cannot begin to imagine… and yet they are real people, from Earth!They are no longer limited to the cycle of reincarnation on Earth – they are free from the wheel of…
More >>#52 – What The Ascended Masters Do To Help Spirituality On Earth
Master of Yoga Dr. George King said:“The measure of greatness is the degree in which the man can evolve everything he comes into contact with.”Mars Sector 6 describes the people approaching Ascension as “a virtual flame in the darkness…. A flame all transmuting, all vibrant, all living,…
More >>#51 – The Spiritual Experience Of God Realization
Ascension is a goal we will all achieve.It is up to us how long we take to get there.In this four-part series, Richard explores the Sixth Freedom given to us by Mars Sector 6 – Ascension.In this week’s episode: Imagine if God were no longer just an idea…
More >>#50 – How To Attain Ascension (NOT what you think)
Ascension is the destiny of all of us on Earth.But there are no shortcuts to this goal. Ascension is not something anyone can teach you in a weekend course, or that you can pay for.Ascension is freedom from the wheel of rebirth; the point at which…
More >>#49 – Guided Contemplation: Enlightenment Is Simplicity
This week is about three words which say it all…!Enlightenment is simplicity.In this week’s episode: Tune in and follow along with a guided contemplation led by Richard using this timeless aphorism given to us by Mars Sector 6. ***Join international bestselling author Richard Lawrence to discover the wisdom…
More >>#48 – When You Will Ascend (And What To Do About It Now)
Ascension is mastery over all experience on Earth.Reaching Ascension is the pinnacle of human achievement. It takes many lives of conscious, sustained effort – and yet it is the destiny of every single one of us.The key is experience. Experience gives us the opportunity to learn…
More >>#47 – What Is The Purpose Of Free Will? (Spiritual Insights)
The more we evolve spiritually, the nearer we get to God and the more we experience true, lasting freedom.To do this we have to give up our petty free will. What does that mean?In this week’s episode: Discover more about the difference between freedom and free…
More >>#46 – What Is Spiritual Service?
Is it better to help other people in physical ways or spiritual ways?What is spiritual service to others, and why does it matter?How does helping others change your karma – and change the karma of the world?In this week’s episode: Discover more about the three levels…
More >>#45 – Does Faith Have A Role In Overcoming Fear (Insights From A Spiritual Alien)
Last year, Scientific American published a report which showed that in the previous year, American mental health sank to its lowest point in recorded history. It also reported that the only group which saw improvements in mental health over the same period were people who attended religious services,…
More >>#44 – How Do You Tell If A Spiritual Teacher Is For Real?
We all need good judgement in our search for truth – and especially when choosing a spiritual teacher. Is there any decision that is more important? A teacher can lead us either towards Enlightenment or rapidly in the wrong direction, to a dead end. In…
More >>#43 – What Happens When You Raise Kundalini? (Hint: It’s All About The Chakras)
Master of Yoga Dr. George King said that we are on Earth for one reason and one reason only: to learn to control the Kundalini – a mystical power located at the base of the spine.Last week Richard talked about the journey of consciousness we…
More >>#42 – The Key To Awakening Your Chakras
The journey of life can be expressed in a very simple way.It is the journey of consciousness through our psychic centers – our chakras – from the lowest, the base center, to the highest, the crown center.In this week’s episode: Discover more about what the Master…
More >>#41 – A Meeting On Shamballa Which Changed EVERYTHING
Master of Yoga Dr. George King said: “With the Eastern rising Sun has come all the wisdom — with the Western setting Sun must come the practical application of that wisdom.”It is the amalgamation of Eastern and Western spiritual approaches into direct spiritual action throughout the world that is…
More >>#40 – The True Spiritual Meaning Of The Cross
Master of Yoga Dr. George King revealed many fascinating truths about the Master Jesus – enough to completely change our perspective on his death and resurrection, and the significance of Easter. In this week’s episode: Discover the true meaning of the cross – a mystical…
More >>#39 – Love Is An Energy
Real Love, in its highest sense, is more than an emotion or a feeling. It’s not about like or dislike. It’s not personal. It’s an energy with many octaves of manifestation. The great Swami Vivekananda said: “The moment you have succeeded in manufacturing love out…
More >>#38 – How To Overcome Conditioning And Find Spiritual Freedom
Our world is plagued by delusions of all kinds: politics, propaganda, advertising, fake news etc. Anyone searching for spiritual truth knows what it feels like to swim against this tide of mass conditioning and materialism. But there is a way out. In this week’s episode:…
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