Blog/Podcast Archives: Enlightenment
How detached is too detached?
Stress, worry, expectations and ambitions are part of everyday life, and over time they take their toll – physically, mentally and emotionally. They are not necessarily bad things, but that doesn’t make them any the less wearing on the heart, mind and body. However…
More >>A 5-Point Guide to Transmuting Fear by Mars Sector 8
One of the most regular communicators through Dr. George King as Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel was that all-knowing source: Mars Sector 8 – General Information. There was a very close link, possibly a bond, between Dr. King and this source who ranks extremely highly in…
More >>Change Is In The Air
Over 200 Spiritual workers from many different Faiths gather in service on Mount Baldy in Southern California for the World Peace Pilgrimage – now in its 8th consecutive year. Change is in the air. 2016 has brought two significant and controversial political changes. Brexit in…
More >>The Only True Democracy…
In these uncertain times of political change, let us reflect on the stirring words of the Cosmic Master Mars Sector 6 given through the trance mediumship of Dr. George King on August 28th, 1960: A vast number of the inhabitants of Terra have allowed themselves…
More >>The Ninth Freedom Will Be Solar Existence
The Nine Freedoms are a series of revelations regarding mankind’s future spiritual evolution – on Earth and beyond – channeled through Dr. George King by the interplanetary Cosmic Master we know as Mars Sector 6. This podcast is a discussion of the Ninth Freedom between…
More >>The Eighth Freedom Will Be Saturnian Existence
The Nine Freedoms are a series of revelations regarding mankind’s future spiritual evolution – on Earth and beyond – channeled through Dr. George King by the interplanetary Cosmic Master we know as Mars Sector 6. This podcast is a discussion of the Eighth Freedom between…
More >>The Seventh Freedom Will Be Inter-Planetary Existence
The Nine Freedoms are a series of revelations regarding mankind’s future spiritual evolution – on Earth and beyond – channeled through Dr. George King by the interplanetary Cosmic Master we know as Mars Sector 6. This podcast is a discussion of the Seventh Freedom between…
More >>The Sixth Freedom Will Be Ascension
The Nine Freedoms are a series of revelations regarding mankind’s future spiritual evolution – on Earth and beyond – channeled through Dr. George King by the interplanetary Cosmic Master we know as Mars Sector 6. This podcast is a discussion of the Sixth Freedom between…
More >>The Fifth Freedom Will Be Cosmic Consciousness
The Nine Freedoms are a series of revelations regarding mankind’s future spiritual evolution – on Earth and beyond – channeled through Dr. George King by the interplanetary Cosmic Master we know as Mars Sector 6. This podcast is a discussion of the Fifth Freedom between…
More >>The Fourth Freedom Will Be Enlightenment
The Nine Freedoms are a series of revelations regarding mankind’s future spiritual evolution – on Earth and beyond – channeled through Dr. George King by the interplanetary Cosmic Master we know as Mars Sector 6. This podcast is a discussion of the Fourth Freedom between…
More >>The Third Freedom Will Be Service
The Nine Freedoms are a series of revelations regarding mankind’s future spiritual evolution – on Earth and beyond – channeled through Dr. George King by the interplanetary Cosmic Master we know as Mars Sector 6. This podcast is a discussion of the Third Freedom between…
More >>The Second Freedom Will Be Love
The Nine Freedoms are a series of revelations regarding mankind’s future spiritual evolution – on Earth and beyond – channeled through Dr. George King by the interplanetary Cosmic Master we know as Mars Sector 6. This podcast is a discussion of the Second Freedom between…
More >>The First Freedom Will Be Bravery
The Nine Freedoms are a series of revelations regarding mankind’s future spiritual evolution – on Earth and beyond – channeled through Dr. George King by the interplanetary Cosmic Master we know as Mars Sector 6. This podcast is a discussion of the First Freedom between…
More >>Meditation
Meditation is essential for positive personal and global transformation. At its most basic level it provides essential relaxation, clarity and detachment – at its highest point it is enlightenment itself, giving the practitioner an unprecedented realization of the oneness of all life – and even…
More >>The Path of the Karmic Athlete
Like all forms of success, spiritual success takes effort. The more effort we put in, the greater the results will be. To really achieve spiritual greatness takes tremendous strength – which, if correctly applied, will completely transform your own karmic pattern, and even help the…
More >>Cosmic Master Class 5 – The Divine Perfection of Saturn
Aetherius Radio Live focuses on the enlightened teachings of Dr. George King and the Cosmic Masters. In this show, hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze discuss the elevating and beautiful Transmissions delivered by the Lords of Saturn through the outstanding Mediumship of Dr. George King….
More >>Cosmic Master Class 4 – Divine Inspiration of Jupiter
Aetherius Radio Live focuses on the enlightened teachings of Dr. George King and the Cosmic Masters. In this show, hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze discuss the elevating and beautiful Transmissions delivered by a Cosmic Intelligence from Jupiter through the outstanding Mediumship of Dr. George…
More >>Cosmic Master Class 1 – Recognizing the Dark Forces in our World
One of the reasons for many of the problems on Earth are those intelligences known as the “dark forces”. These are not extraterrestrial, but human beings who have passed onto other planes of existence and gained certain powers which they seek to use against the…
More >>The Ninth Freedom – Solar Existence (with Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze)
Unbelievable though it may sound, the Sun is inhabited by intelligent life. In fact the Masters of the Sun are the most advanced Masters in the Solar System. Great beyond our comprehension, we are completely dependent on these great beings who radiate Love energy every…
More >>The Ascended Masters
For aeons there have been tales of mysterious masters, cut off from the mass of humanity, with great powers and immortal bodies. Such masters include Count Saint Germain, Swami Vivekananda and the Lord Maitreya. Discover the secret world of these compassionate, enlightened beings – and…
More >>The Eighth Freedom – Saturnian Existence (with Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze)
The most spiritually advanced planet in this Solar System is Saturn. The great masters of Saturn, who exist on a higher vibratory plane invisible to mere mortals such as us, work ceaselessly for the good of all life in the Solar System.
More >>The Seventh Freedom – Interplanetary Existence (with Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze)
When experience upon Earth has been mastered, through countless incarnations, reincarnation as we know it is no longer necessary. At this point the intelligence has the opportunity to enter a new life cycle upon another, more advanced planet.
More >>The Sixth Freedom – Ascension (with Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze)
When experience on Earth has been mastered, through countless lives of spiritual dedication, reincarnation is no longer necessary. Those masters who achieve this great spiritual state can then chose whether or not to remain on Earth, helping mankind behind the scenes as it were, or…
More >>The Fourth Freedom – Enlightenment (with Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze)
Enlightenment is so much more than just a state of mind. Enlightenment is the result of lives of intense spiritual dedication, and countless different experiences. True Enlightenment is extremely rare and extremely demanding – but infinitely rewarding.
More >>The Third Freedom – Service (with Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze)
Nothing is as important as helping others. This is what all religion should focus on above all else. Enlightenment is impossible without selfless service to those in need. Whatever your religion, or belief system, service is the thing that really matters more than anything –…
More >>The Second Freedom – Love (with Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze)
Love is much more than an emotion – it is a universal energy and a state of whole being. Discover the power of Love as a real force for personal and global transformation.
More >>The First Freedom – Bravery (with Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze)
Enlightenment is impossible while we allow fear to cloud our outlook on life. This brilliant exposition by the Cosmic Master known as Mars Sector 6 tells us the importance of bravery on the spiritual path, and how to transmute and rise above the limitations of…
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