Blog/Podcast Archives: Enlightenment

Episode 101

#101 – What Does “Being Spiritual” REALLY Mean?

 In one word – what does spirituality mean to you? What is “being spiritual” really about? Is it about truth? A greater awareness of oneness? Inner peace? Come and join us for the discussion on the 101st episode of the show! *** Join international…

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#100 – How To Be Spiritual When You Have A Job/Family/Responsibilities (Survival Guide)

 It’s not easy living in our materialistic world and striving for spiritual enlightenment.But “in the world” is where we need to be in order to serve and help as many people as possible.The challenge is to change the world for the better rather than…

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Episode 99

#99 – Do You Remember Your Past Lives? (Exploring Psychic Powers)

 We have all lived through countless incarnations on Earth! Who were you in a past life? What are the lessons you need to learn in this life? And how could your experiences in a past life help you now? Check out this week’s episode…

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The Spiritual Freedom Show

#98 – Science & Spirituality: How You Can Combine Both To Change The World

 Are true science and true religion really so different? They both strive to understand the nature of the universe. They both try to express these unchangeable truths. And, ideally, they both try to apply these truths to bring about the greatest benefit to all….

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#97 – What’s Your Destiny? Awaken Your Higher Chakras And Attune With Your Soul

 If we want to find true happiness – to really feel like we’re doing what we’re meant to be doing – we need to realize our destiny. So, what is YOUR destiny? And what can you do to realize it? Check out this week’s…

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#96 – Inner Peace Or World Peace? Why It Matters To Your Spiritual Awakening

 Is changing ourselves the best way to change the world? Should we focus on our own inner peace? And let world peace take care of itself? Or is there a need to play a more direct – more active – role in helping others…

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What got you into spirituality

#89 – Richard’s Spiritual Awakening (Personal Story)

What got you into spirituality? I think we can all agree that the traditional image we’re given for a successful, happy life just doesn’t fit with the spiritually-minded person. It just isn’t enough. Sooner or later, the desire for truth and the urge to make…

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Service Leads to Kundalini Heaven (Part 3)

Materialism is the lie that the meaning of life is the accumulation of wealth, and pleasures we experience through the senses.   It is an illusion fuelled by fear and doubt to enslave us all.   The good news is that we can rise above…

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Knowing God through King Yoga

This month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live is a very special show featuring a recording made earlier this month by Richard Lawrence. It includes a series of extracts, exactly as he wrote them, from what Richard calls his ‘Kundalini Diaries’. He started the diaries on…

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From Orthodoxy to Mysticism – My Christian Journey

Almost 40 years ago, in 1984, I was an orthodox Christian. I regularly attended St. Martin-in-the-Fields church in Trafalgar Square, London, known to many people around the world as “the parish church of England”. I also gave of my services to the Scrub Club, a…

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How to escape the matrix podcast

How To Escape The Matrix (Podcast)

A lot of people believe that the way to escape the matrix is to become rich. Is that really escaping the matrix? If it isn’t, then – what is? How do you really escape the matrix? In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, host…

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An antiwar special

An Anti-War Special

Humanity has been fighting wars for thousands of years. War has never been the answer to any question on Earth, and it never will be. Pacifism is good in theory, but unworkable in practice on its own. Surprising as it may sound, simply turning the…

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Service Leads to Kundalini Heaven (Part 2)

One of the most rewarding aspects of the spiritual path is realizing for ourselves who we truly are and why we’re here. We’re here to evolve spiritually – to free ourselves from the bondage of fear and the materialistic trap which keeps us from achieving…

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Service Leads to Kundalini Heaven PT1

Service Leads to Kundalini Heaven (Part 1)

The purpose of all our lives is to evolve spiritually. The key to your spiritual evolution is raising the mystical power we all have at the base of the spine known as “Kundalini”. What can you do to raise this power? And what incredible experiences…

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The Lord Babaji

Adept Number 6 – Archetype of Transmutation

The Six Adepts are six cosmic intelligences who came to this world from higher planes of existence beyond Earth.One of these great beings – known as “Adept Number 6” – is none other than the Lord Babaji – the greatest Spiritual Master on this planet. He is the…

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Overcoming the cold of aloneness

Overcoming the cold of aloneness

Recently it has been in the news that there is a loneliness epidemic in the world. It’s easy to understand how this could be the case. In the last couple of years many people have been isolated, unable to see friends and family and even…

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Show 38 Don't let anyone delude you

#38 – How To Overcome Conditioning And Find Spiritual Freedom

Our world is plagued by delusions of all kinds: politics, propaganda, advertising, fake news etc. Anyone searching for spiritual truth knows what it feels like to swim against this tide of mass conditioning and materialism. But there is a way out. In this week’s episode:…

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Pride and Priorities – feel good about doing good!

What makes you feel proud of yourself? Before answering this question, let’s look at the following very illuminating statement about pride made by Dr. George King in 1965 in a lecture entitled ‘The Coming Year’: …we should feel doubly honored – all of us –…

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Episode 36 - Spiritual Freedom Show

#36 – Don’t Let Attachments Hold You Back On Your Spiritual Path

In the Fifth Freedom, Mars Sector 6 reveals more about the spiritual glory of Cosmic Consciousness – the highest state of consciousness on Earth.He also reveals how we continue to limit these latent abilities within us – how we delude ourselves – because of our…

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Episode 35 - Spiritual Freedom Show

#35 – Don’t Let Nationalism Hold You Back On Your Spiritual Path

In the Fifth Freedom, Mars Sector 6 tells us that freedom from limitations is the result of “sincere and diligent, directed effort” through countless lives. As we advance spiritually, and begin to shed the many limitations which we face, the radiant light of our Divine…

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The Spiritual Freedom Show - #34

#34 – Don’t Let Racial Prejudice Hold You Back On Your Spiritual Path

In the Fifth Freedom, Mars Sector 6 gives us a glimpse of the highest state of consciousness on Earth – Cosmic Consciousness; or what he calls the “real beginning of Freedom.”The more we evolve spiritually, the more we begin to manifest the Spark of God…

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SFS 33 Six Ways to Cultivate Enlightenment

#33 – How To Become Spiritually Enlightened (Part 3)

In The Nine Freedoms Mars Sector 6 tells us what to do to bring about the state of Enlightenment within us – not just a state of inner peace but the intense realization of oneness. Mars Sector 6 gives to us not just the steps…

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SFS 32 Six Ways to Cultivate Enlightenment

#32 – How To Become Spiritually Enlightened (Part 2)

Enlightenment is a state so much greater than any of us can really imagine – unless we are already enlightened! Nevertheless, we all have the potential to bring this state into being within ourselves – if we tend to it in certain ways. In this…

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SFS 31 Six ways to cultivate enlightenment (Part 1)

#31 – How To Become Spiritually Enlightened (Part 1)

The Nine Freedoms is your guide through spiritual evolution to Enlightenment and beyond. In this mystic text from another planet, Mars Sector 6 tells us how to bring about a state of Enlightenment within ourselves – through Bravery, Love and Service. He also tells us…

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SFS 30 You can't evolve without serving

#30 – Does Your Motive Matter When You Help Others?

In The Nine Freedoms we learn that being spiritual is about putting the wisdom of oneness into practice, or in other words: helping the whole, rather than just ourselves, to evolve towards God-realization. A key element of service is motive – the reason why we…

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The Spiritual Freedom Show #29

#29 – How To Experience The Energy Of Love

This is the fourth episode in a new weekly format – just 15 minutes – focused on one extract from The Nine Freedoms with insights from Richard Lawrence, as well as a contribution from one of you – a Moment of Truth, question or spiritual…

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The Spiritual Freedom Show #28

#28 – How To Overcome Your Fears

This is the third episode in a new weekly format – just 15 minutes – which we have launched to help you apply the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms in your quest to change the world and open the door of enlightenment.In this week’s show: You…

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The Spiritual Freedom Show #27

#27 – The One And Only Reason You Are Here On Earth Now

This is the second episode in a new weekly format which we have launched to help you make the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms a part of your everyday life.You can look forward to more 15-minute episodes focused on just one extract from The Nine…

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The Spiritual Freedom Show #26

#26 – Feed Your Soul With Wisdom & Accelerate Your Spiritual Awakening

A very Happy New Year to you all! May it be a year of greater joy, enlightenment and spiritual freedom for you.I’m delighted to share with you our first show in a new weekly format: 15-minute episodes focused on just one extract from The Nine Freedoms…

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#25 – The Spiritual Powers Of The Ascended Masters: Control Over Mind And Matter

Ascension is where we are all headed. It is our destiny on Earth. An Ascended Master doesn’t just have control over mind, but matter too. That’s the key to spiritual evolution – and the reason we’re all here. One of the most famous examples of…

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