Blog/Podcast Archives: Truth

The Spiritual Freedom Show 44

#44 – How Do You Tell If A Spiritual Teacher Is For Real?

We all need good judgement in our search for truth – and especially when choosing a spiritual teacher. Is there any decision that is more important? A teacher can lead us either towards Enlightenment or rapidly in the wrong direction, to a dead end. In this week’s episode: Discover how to spot the genuine teachers from…

43 - 1200

#43 – What Happens When You Raise Kundalini? (Hint: It’s All About The Chakras)

Master of Yoga Dr. George King said that we are on Earth for one reason and one reason only: to learn to control the Kundalini – a mystical power located at the base of the spine.Last week Richard talked about the journey of consciousness we all make, from the lowest of our major chakras, through…

Episode 42 - 1200

#42 – The Key To Awakening Your Chakras

The journey of life can be expressed in a very simple way.It is the journey of consciousness through our psychic centers – our chakras – from the lowest, the base center, to the highest, the crown center.In this week’s episode: Discover more about what the Master Aetherius and Mars Sector 6 had to say about this…

#41 - Even the Ascended Masters have changed

#41 – A Meeting On Shamballa Which Changed EVERYTHING

Master of Yoga Dr. George King said: “With the Eastern rising Sun has come all the wisdom — with the Western setting Sun must come the practical application of that wisdom.”It is the amalgamation of Eastern and Western spiritual approaches into direct spiritual action throughout the world that is key to lasting spiritual Enlightenment.This amalgamation is the result of…

#40 - Easter proved Ascension

#40 – The True Spiritual Meaning Of The Cross

Master of Yoga Dr. George King revealed many fascinating truths about the Master Jesus – enough to completely change our perspective on his death and resurrection, and the significance of Easter. In this week’s episode: Discover the true meaning of the cross – a mystical symbol which predates Christianity by many thousands of years, and…

Show 39 Divine Love

#39 – Love Is An Energy

Real Love, in its highest sense, is more than an emotion or a feeling. It’s not about like or dislike. It’s not personal. It’s an energy with many octaves of manifestation. The great Swami Vivekananda said: “The moment you have succeeded in manufacturing love out of prana, you are free.” This is something we can…

Show 38 Don't let anyone delude you

#38 – How To Overcome Conditioning And Find Spiritual Freedom

Our world is plagued by delusions of all kinds: politics, propaganda, advertising, fake news etc. Anyone searching for spiritual truth knows what it feels like to swim against this tide of mass conditioning and materialism. But there is a way out. In this week’s episode: Mars Sector 6, speaking through the mediumship of Dr. George…

Episode 37 - Spiritual Freedom Show

#37 – Don’t Let Family Hold You Back On Your Spiritual Path

We are all part of an interconnected, living universe.What’s important is our spiritual destiny, and that destiny is to help others, because helping others – other aspects of God – is how we achieve mastery over experience on Earth.The more we raise our consciousness, the more we can realize this spiritual truth for ourselves and…

Episode 36 - Spiritual Freedom Show

#36 – Don’t Let Attachments Hold You Back On Your Spiritual Path

In the Fifth Freedom, Mars Sector 6 reveals more about the spiritual glory of Cosmic Consciousness – the highest state of consciousness on Earth.He also reveals how we continue to limit these latent abilities within us – how we delude ourselves – because of our ignorance of oneness.We are all cells in a cosmic whole,…

Episode 35 - Spiritual Freedom Show

#35 – Don’t Let Nationalism Hold You Back On Your Spiritual Path

In the Fifth Freedom, Mars Sector 6 tells us that freedom from limitations is the result of “sincere and diligent, directed effort” through countless lives. As we advance spiritually, and begin to shed the many limitations which we face, the radiant light of our Divine essence will shine forth more and more.In this week’s episode: We…

The Spiritual Freedom Show - #34

#34 – Don’t Let Racial Prejudice Hold You Back On Your Spiritual Path

In the Fifth Freedom, Mars Sector 6 gives us a glimpse of the highest state of consciousness on Earth – Cosmic Consciousness; or what he calls the “real beginning of Freedom.”The more we evolve spiritually, the more we begin to manifest the Spark of God within us, and better reflect its perfection in the way we live…

SFS 33 Six Ways to Cultivate Enlightenment

#33 – How To Become Spiritually Enlightened (Part 3)

In The Nine Freedoms Mars Sector 6 tells us what to do to bring about the state of Enlightenment within us – not just a state of inner peace but the intense realization of oneness. Mars Sector 6 gives to us not just the steps we need to take, but also the specific qualities that…

SFS 32 Six Ways to Cultivate Enlightenment

#32 – How To Become Spiritually Enlightened (Part 2)

Enlightenment is a state so much greater than any of us can really imagine – unless we are already enlightened! Nevertheless, we all have the potential to bring this state into being within ourselves – if we tend to it in certain ways. In this week’s episode: Join us as we continue our 3-part series…

SFS 31 Six ways to cultivate enlightenment (Part 1)

#31 – How To Become Spiritually Enlightened (Part 1)

The Nine Freedoms is your guide through spiritual evolution to Enlightenment and beyond. In this mystic text from another planet, Mars Sector 6 tells us how to bring about a state of Enlightenment within ourselves – through Bravery, Love and Service. He also tells us what we can do to actively cultivate this spiritual fruit,…

SFS 30 You can't evolve without serving

#30 – Does Your Motive Matter When You Help Others?

In The Nine Freedoms we learn that being spiritual is about putting the wisdom of oneness into practice, or in other words: helping the whole, rather than just ourselves, to evolve towards God-realization. A key element of service is motive – the reason why we do what we do. In this week’s episode: How important…

The Spiritual Freedom Show #29

#29 – How To Experience The Energy Of Love

This is the fourth episode in a new weekly format – just 15 minutes – focused on one extract from The Nine Freedoms with insights from Richard Lawrence, as well as a contribution from one of you – a Moment of Truth, question or spiritual experience, which I will share on air with Richard.In this…

The Spiritual Freedom Show #28

#28 – How To Overcome Your Fears

This is the third episode in a new weekly format – just 15 minutes – which we have launched to help you apply the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms in your quest to change the world and open the door of enlightenment.In this week’s show: You can’t get anywhere on the spiritual path without bravery. Discover…

The Spiritual Freedom Show #27

#27 – The One And Only Reason You Are Here On Earth Now

This is the second episode in a new weekly format which we have launched to help you make the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms a part of your everyday life.You can look forward to more 15-minute episodes focused on just one extract from The Nine Freedoms with insights from Richard Lawrence, as well as a…

The Spiritual Freedom Show #26

#26 – Feed Your Soul With Wisdom & Accelerate Your Spiritual Awakening

A very Happy New Year to you all! May it be a year of greater joy, enlightenment and spiritual freedom for you.I’m delighted to share with you our first show in a new weekly format: 15-minute episodes focused on just one extract from The Nine Freedoms with insights from Richard Lawrence, as well as a contribution…

Become a fighter for spirituality

Become a fighter for spirituality!

As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze begin this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live with a short tribute to the late Lady Monique King, who passed away on September 29th. Lady Monique was an outstanding individual. She devoted her life with single-minded determination to her husband, Master of Yoga…


Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel – Lightning Conductor for the Gods!

Discover the truth about the most significant series of extraterrestrial contacts in history! For 43 years between 1954 and 1997 Master of Yoga Dr. George King served as “Primary Terrestrial Mental Channel”, receiving hundreds of communications from advanced alien intelligences from this Solar System and beyond.

Without a shadow of a doubt

“Beyond a shadow of a doubt”

During a TV interview in England in the 1970s, Dr. George King made the following statement about the teachings he had received from the Cosmic Masters: From the philosophical content alone, they are pretty fantastic – so they did come from somewhere. Either they came from my mind or they came from another source. If…