Blog/Podcast Archives: Spiritual Truth
#152 – Loneliness and Spiritual Awakening
Do you ever feel a deep sense of loneliness, perhaps sometimes even when you’re surrounded by other people – and “shouldn’t” feel lonely at all? What if that feeling is a sign of your spiritual awakening – your soul yearning for something more? In this episode we talk about navigating the rocky road of spiritual…
#151 – Is Fear Holding You Back? 3 Ways To Reclaim Your Spiritual Destiny
Why is being who you really are one of the hardest, but also most fulfilling, things you can do? This episode explores the challenges of spiritual self-discovery and living with authenticity. Discover: – How to transform fear, doubt, and social pressure into a life aligned with your unique spiritual destiny instead! – What happens when…
#134 – Experiencing Timelessness (Inspiration for Spiritual Seekers)
When we dumb down profound wisdom, we dumb down our perception of our Divine potential. Whereas when we study and realize profound truth, we realize our Divine potential more deeply. This week’s episode is about going deeper into the true meaning of things – to what is really meant by “meditation”, “enlightenment” and even the…
#133 – A Deeper Understanding of Evolution & Spiritual Awakening (Part 2)
This week we continue with the second instalment of our two-part show about spiritual evolution! Back in September last year, Richard shared an incredible personal story: a cosmic realization about the purpose of life – in one word. Interestingly, leading evolutionary scientists have started to question the commonly understood theory of evolution – and even…
#132 – A Deeper Understanding of Evolution & Spiritual Awakening (Part 1)
Back in September last year, Richard shared an incredible personal story: a cosmic realization about the purpose of life – in one word. Interestingly, leading evolutionary scientists have started to question the commonly understood theory of evolution – and even highlight various shortcomings. The search is on for a more profound understanding of why we…
#128 – Truth Is.
Many people talk about “their truth” as if there is no such thing as the truth.But the truth will be the truth whether we believe it or not, like it or not, etc.And a love for the truth is essential if we wish to find truth, including the highest truths about what we are – of our Real Selves – and…
#124 – A Spiritual Teardown Of “Sin” (Myth-busting Orthodox Religion)
“Sin” is one of those loaded words. It calls to mind images of fanatical churchmen preaching fire and brimstone to their cowering congregations. No surprise that a lot of the dogma about sin is plain wrong. Eternal hell and damnation, seven deadly sins, absolution etc. So is there any truth in it at all? What do…
#121 – The Truth Behind The Global Conspiracy (Key To Your Spiritual Awakening)
There are lots of people who talk about a sinister, power-hungry elite controlling our governments from behind the scenes. But there is no one, that I know of, who is talking about who these people really are – or where they are operating from. Part of our mission on The Spiritual Freedom Show is to arm seekers…
#120 – Intelligent Life – In Our Solar System? (Discover Spiritual Aliens)
It’s fair to say that most scientists searching for extraterrestrial life are searching for life as we know it. There are a handful of scientists that are searching for life not as we know it – beyond our concept of biology. But there are still no scientists, that we know of, who are approaching the…
#119 – Do Material Things Matter After A Spiritual Awakening?
Do material things matter on the spiritual path? Is it “unspiritual” to think about money? Does that make you materialistic? For the genuine truth-seeker there are a lot of confusing messages about money, materialism and true spirituality. Let’s get some clarity! Tune in to this week’s episode for a discussion with Richard about why engaging with…
#118 – A Lasting Spiritual Solution To The Israel-Hamas War
This week we get right down to the biggest story in the news: the Israel-Hamas war. This war – like every war – affects every single one of us, because we are all part of a whole. And because we are part of a whole, we need solutions that transcend partisan politics, nationality, ethnicity and…
#77 – How To Manifest Spiritual Bravery (with Mark Bennett)
On behalf of the team at the Spiritual Freedom Show I’d like to wish you all a Happy New Year! If there is anything that will help us in the year ahead, bravery is surely on that list. Bravery is not just a necessary step we have to take in order to become spiritual. It…
Living The Spiritual Approach Will Change Everything
Have you considered whether the coronavirus pandemic is yet another outward reminder, to us all, that the way we have been living our lives is not really working? What if there are lessons in all this that could help us move forward? If so, what could they be? “…it is the Spiritual approach which will…
Celebrating the start of a truly unique spiritual organization
Two weeks ago we celebrated the formal start of The Aetherius Society, on August 2nd. The Aetherius Society is a truly unique spiritual organisation which gives us opportunities we have never had before to help others and attain enlightenment. This is the path we now call King Yoga. As part of these celebrations we have…
Ready or not – you are now
Many centuries ago a phrase of ancient truth was coined: when the pupil is ready the teacher appears. Master of Yoga Dr George King commented on this in a personal development class in 1966: The teacher has to, by law, take the next step with those pupils who are ready, and if he cannot do…
The King Yoga Experience
As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. King Yoga is not just a theory – it is a living teaching that can change your life and the world. King Yoga is what we call the spiritual path of The Aetherius Society, given by and through Master of Yoga Dr George King. King Yoga is threefold: service…
Become a fighter for spirituality!
As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. Hosts Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze begin this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live with a short tribute to the late Lady Monique King, who passed away on September 29th. Lady Monique was an outstanding individual. She devoted her life with single-minded determination to her husband, Master of Yoga…
King Yoga – The Path of The Aetherius Society
As featured on Aetherius Radio Live. The New Age will bring a bright new dawn of global peace and enlightenment. But humanity is not yet ready for this. There is work to be done – inside and out. The New Age will have to be built by brave, hardworking people who have a great love…
Realize Your Inner Potential through King Yoga (Podcast)
Could anyone really strive to realize their oneness with all life and not try to help all life at the same time? It won’t work – not now, in fact not ever. The path to enlightenment is through Service. And it is this path of Service which is key to saving the world at this…