Blog/Podcast Archives: Service

50 Years of Operation Prayer Power

We are now just days away from our historic pilgrimage to Holdstone Down, where we will be celebrating 50 years since the Inauguration of Operation Prayer Power – a completely unique world healing mission designed by Master of Yoga Dr. George King.In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, host Richard Lawrence and his guest…

Episode 101

#101 – What Does “Being Spiritual” REALLY Mean?

 In one word – what does spirituality mean to you? What is “being spiritual” really about? Is it about truth? A greater awareness of oneness? Inner peace? Come and join us for the discussion on the 101st episode of the show! *** Join international bestselling author Richard Lawrence to discover the wisdom of The…


#100 – How To Be Spiritual When You Have A Job/Family/Responsibilities (Survival Guide)

 It’s not easy living in our materialistic world and striving for spiritual enlightenment.But “in the world” is where we need to be in order to serve and help as many people as possible.The challenge is to change the world for the better rather than let the world change us for the worse.So what can…

Episode 99

#99 – Do You Remember Your Past Lives? (Exploring Psychic Powers)

 We have all lived through countless incarnations on Earth! Who were you in a past life? What are the lessons you need to learn in this life? And how could your experiences in a past life help you now? Check out this week’s episode of The Spiritual Freedom Show for insights into karma, reincarnation,…

The Spiritual Freedom Show

#98 – Science & Spirituality: How You Can Combine Both To Change The World

 Are true science and true religion really so different? They both strive to understand the nature of the universe. They both try to express these unchangeable truths. And, ideally, they both try to apply these truths to bring about the greatest benefit to all. In fact, many of the most inspired figures in history…


The Cosmic Adepts Around Earth

In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, host Chrissie Blaze and her guest Brian Keneipp talk about the Cosmic Adepts who were allowed to replace the original Five Adepts – to do whatever they can for humanity on Earth. Tune in for personal insights from Brian which help bring the unique Mental Transmissions recorded…


#97 – What’s Your Destiny? Awaken Your Higher Chakras And Attune With Your Soul

 If we want to find true happiness – to really feel like we’re doing what we’re meant to be doing – we need to realize our destiny. So, what is YOUR destiny? And what can you do to realize it? Check out this week’s episode of The Spiritual Freedom Show for a conversation about…


#96 – Inner Peace Or World Peace? Why It Matters To Your Spiritual Awakening

 Is changing ourselves the best way to change the world? Should we focus on our own inner peace? And let world peace take care of itself? Or is there a need to play a more direct – more active – role in helping others who are suffering? Check out this week’s episode of The…


The Floating Temple of Light

In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, Alyson Lawrence and Brian Keneipp discuss some of the lesser-known revelations we have been given about Satellite Number 3 and its crew of extraordinary operators. Tune in to discover more about this floating temple of light that is now in orbit of Earth awaiting every single moment…


Service Leads to Kundalini Heaven (Part 3)

Materialism is the lie that the meaning of life is the accumulation of wealth, and pleasures we experience through the senses.   It is an illusion fuelled by fear and doubt to enslave us all.   The good news is that we can rise above this completely unnatural state of limitation…   We can be…


#86 – Pacifism Is Not Enough: A Spiritual Approach To End The Russia-Ukraine War

We said we’d have a surprise for you this week and here it is! The Spiritual Freedom Show is now on video – as well as audio! Our mission is the same as ever – to answer your spiritual questions with the outstanding cosmic teachings we have been given in The Nine Freedoms. This week…

Episode 85

#85 – Why I Turned To Spirituality (with Bipin Patel)

When Bipin Patel first came across The Nine Freedoms he was deeply dissatisfied with the life that he was leading – in spite of all of his worldly achievements. This week he talks about the first steps he took to begin to manifest greater bravery, deeper love and world-changing service to others in his life….

The most spiritual thing we can do

The most spiritual thing we can do

I think there is a great danger on the spiritual path of underestimating service. Even if we think service is important, even if we think that service is the most important thing we can do, there is still a temptation to think of it as a chore. As the grunt work. As something we have…

How to escape the matrix podcast

How To Escape The Matrix (Podcast)

A lot of people believe that the way to escape the matrix is to become rich. Is that really escaping the matrix? If it isn’t, then – what is? How do you really escape the matrix? In this month’s episode of Aetherius Radio Live, host Mark Bennett, with myself as his guest, tackle this question…

Episode 72b - Long

#72 – Happiness or Spiritual Joy – What Do You REALLY want? (with Darren Ball)

The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle is said to have made a distinction between two different types of happiness, only one of which can bring you real joy.This week, I share a little bit about the spiritual joy I have found in my life to help inspire you in your own journey to true spiritual fulfilment….

Episode 71 long

#71 – Why I Felt Called To Spiritual Service (with Simon Thode)

In the past, yogis usually tried to focus exclusively on their own personal enlightenment – free from the distractions and problems of others.It may have been a good idea hundreds of years ago, but not today.Today, there simply isn’t time to focus on our own inner peace and development at the expense of the dire immediate needs…

Episode 68

#68 – The Most Spiritual Thing You Can Do (with Mark Bennett)

What is “being spiritual” really all about, anyway? Finding our own inner peace? Or living with greater compassion? This week, Mark Bennett reflects on the most spiritual thing any of us can do. It’s deep. And even if you think you know the answer… …have you ever stopped to ask “why”? Join international bestselling author…


#64 – Personal Stories Of Spiritual Service (with Gino Scialdone)

We’ve been changing things up on the Spiritual Freedom Show! Each week we are inviting a special guest onto the show – someone who lives and practices the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms in their everyday life. Tune in for personal insights, reflections and experiences that can inspire you in your own journey towards spiritual…


#63 – What Saturn Taught Me About Our Destiny (with Lisa Rosser)

We’ve been making some exciting changes to the Spiritual Freedom Show! Each week we’ll be inviting a special guest onto the show – someone who lives and practices the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms in their everyday life. Tune in for insights, observations and personal experiences that can help you in your own journey towards…

Episode 62 wide

#62 – How To REALLY Escape The Matrix – And Find Spiritual Freedom (with Mark Bennett)

We’re making some exciting changes to the Spiritual Freedom Show! Each week we’ll be inviting a special guest onto the show – someone who is doing their best to live their life according to the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms. Tune in every Saturday to catch some of their own insights, observations and personal experiences…

SFS 30 You can't evolve without serving

#30 – Does Your Motive Matter When You Help Others?

In The Nine Freedoms we learn that being spiritual is about putting the wisdom of oneness into practice, or in other words: helping the whole, rather than just ourselves, to evolve towards God-realization. A key element of service is motive – the reason why we do what we do. In this week’s episode: How important…


#25 – The Spiritual Powers Of The Ascended Masters: Control Over Mind And Matter

Ascension is where we are all headed. It is our destiny on Earth. An Ascended Master doesn’t just have control over mind, but matter too. That’s the key to spiritual evolution – and the reason we’re all here. One of the most famous examples of Ascension is the Master Jesus. After he died on the…

#24 - The Spiritual Freedom Show

#24 – Advanced Spiritual Wisdom Explained: The Evolution Of All Life Back To The Divine Source

In the past, it was common for spiritual seekers to detach from the world around them in search of God-realization. Even today, it would be easy to think that “being spiritual” was about going within for the sake of our own inner peace and personal development. But is that what it’s really about? In the…

Episode23 - The Spiritual Freedom Show

#23 – Advanced Spiritual Wisdom Explained: Spiritualizing Matter

In this episode of The Spiritual Freedom Show, Richard talks about a massive change that was made to the ancient wisdom we have followed on Earth for thousands of years. This change was so significant that it staggered Master of Yoga Dr. George King when he heard it. Even to the likes of a Master…

#22 The Spiritual Freedom Show_1200627 (5)

#22 – Galactic Initiation & Galactic Consciousness

Imagine for a moment Cosmic Consciousness – a state in which you are one with all life upon the Earth…Now try to imagine Galactic Consciousness – a state in which you are one with all life throughout the Galaxy… millions upon million of worlds!This experience of Galactic Consciousness is just one of the essential experiences…


#21 – The “Sin” Of Ignorance – A Fresh, Liberating And Hopeful Perspective

There is really only one major “sin” on Earth.Can you guess what it is?The Nine Freedoms gives us useful answers free from the traditional dogma and religious baggage that have obscured this and other simple truths.Mars Sector 6 tells us exactly what the problem is, and exactly how to solve it.The only sin, he says,…

The greater you are, the more active you are

#20 – A Secret Of True Spiritual Greatness

What would you consider the hallmark of a great spiritual person?Wisdom? Compassion? Humility? Spiritual Powers?When the Master Aetherius described the greatest Master on the surface of the planet – the Lord Babaji – the word he chose was: active.In this day and age, being active in service is a measure of true greatness.One way that this is…

#19 The Spiritual Freedom Show

#19 – Awaken Your Chakras: Love, Service And Spiritual Development

In true meditation, you experience a deep state of oneness. You know that all things are part of a vast, interrelated cosmic whole. Love becomes more than an emotion. It becomes something universal, impersonal and unconditional. Putting this into action is what service to others is really about. But even if you haven’t experienced this…

Interplanetary Service

Interplanetary Service

Recently, there has been a lot of media coverage regarding UFOs. Questions have been raised to governments about what they know, and, just as importantly, whether this means beings from other worlds are visiting us.  The founder of The Aetherius Society, Dr. George King, taught that beings from other worlds have been visiting us for…

11 Steps to Saturnian Existence

#13 – The Saturnians – How Did They Become So Spiritually Evolved?

The most ancient, the most sacred, the most enlightened beings from any planet in this Solar System come from the planet Saturn. In ‘The Nine Freedoms’, for the first time in history, we have been given a real insight into their true, Divine nature. In their example is the key to attuning ourselves with the…