Blog/Podcast Archives: Dynamic Prayer

The Master Jesus wants us to realize our Divinity – Part 2

Realizing the Divine power within us all would manifest heaven on Earth for all. A world free from violence, war, greed and disease can become our reality. The Master Jesus knew this. He anchored upon our world, some 2000 years ago, a pathway of wisdom to help us realize our Divinity. However, much of this wisdom appears…


The Master Jesus wants us to realize our Divinity – Part 1

Realizing our Divinity is why we are on planet Earth — despite appearances to the contrary. This is the true essence of the great world religions, and the true message of spiritual leaders such as the Lord Buddha, Sri Krishna, and the Master Jesus. They knew that by us realizing our Divinity we would naturally learn…


#122 – How To Pray To “God” For Help (A Proven Spiritual Technique)

Listen to the full episode: There are a lot of misconceptions and hangups that people can have about prayer – because of the way it is conventionally portrayed and performed by certain mainstream religions. In King Yoga prayer is about energy. It is based on ancient yogic wisdom including an understanding of prana, chakras, visualization,…

Spiritual Energy Crisis podcast 2023

The Spiritual Energy Crisis (Podcast)

Spiritual energy is a real power that can raise global consciousness. The problem is that there are too few people using it in the correct way. And look at the result! Selfishness, greed, jealousy, violent anger, endless wars – all these things are the result of the low level of spiritual consciousness as a whole…


Prayer Energy – how to channel the power of the universe to help bring about peace, freedom and healing in Ukraine

Recent events in Ukraine have many of us in shock – and horror. If ever there were a time to turn to a higher power – surely it is now. In my late twenties I was privileged to co-author the book Prayer Energy (Cico Books 2009; 2019) with international bestselling author Richard Lawrence – a…

Ukraine Conflict Special

A Spiritual Answer To The Ukraine War Which Anyone Can Try

News of the invasion in Ukraine has reverberated around the world over the past few days, filling people with a sense of shock and sadness.Desperate as the situation may seem, the good news is that no matter who we are, and even if we are thousands of miles from the frontline, we can all do something positive…

What is love?

What is love?

In King Yoga we say that a true spiritual path is not just a theory – it is a way of life that can change the world. If there is anything that will change the world, it is love! Not the love we typically experience, but true, unconditional love. Selfless prayer is one of the…

Say it with feeling

Say it with feeling

In King Yoga, we say that a true spiritual path does not require blind belief – all it requires is that you experience its truth for yourself. Prayer is the transmission of spiritual energy. Spiritual energy is a real force. It is not a fantasy or wishful thinking. It is as real as electricity or…

How to pray

How to pray

In King Yoga we say that the spiritual path is not about hoping to God for random miracles. Instead, it is about your ability to make miracles happen! Prayer is one of the many ways in King Yoga that we can all help to create miracles – in our own lives, yes, but more importantly…

What to pray for

What to pray for?

The answer to this question might seem obvious to some people – “For whatever I want!” They would be wrong. As my wife, Alyson, puts it: “You can get what you want, but do you want what you get?” We should not pray for whatever we want because whatever we want is not always good…

Spiritual solutions to global disasters

Spiritual solutions to global disasters

How often have you felt a sense of helplessness when news of a global disaster reaches you? An inner despair that hundreds or possibly thousands of people could suffer death, disability or homelessness and there’s nothing we can do to prevent it? There would be something wrong with us if we never felt like this….


What does being “spiritual” really mean?

I just googled the word “spiritual” and got 145,000,000 results – so clearly a lot of people are talking about it one way or another. What are they saying? What image of a person springs to mind if someone says “that guy is really spiritual”? What kind of lifestyle, priorities and values might such a…