Blog/Podcast Archives: Chakras
#157 – How to Supercharge Your Spiritual Evolution – the Shift That Changes Everything
For thousands of years yogis lived a life of seclusion devoted to God realization – at the expense of the dire immediate needs of the world in crisis around them. Other people have devoted themselves completely to a life of service – but have also stopped going within to nurture the flame of spirituality which…
#156 – How Spiritually Advanced People Use Their Chakras Differently – And What We Can Learn From Them
This week we take another deep dive into the chakras, drawing on Richard’s own meditations and experience to explore how each of the chakras relate to different aspects of life. In this episode, you’ll learn: – The true function of the lower three chakras and their role in survival, right conduct, compassion and intellectual prowess…
#155 – Two years on: what Richard has learned about the journey to Enlightenment
In this episode, I talked to Richard to get a behind the scenes look at what he has learned about the journey to Enlightenment in the two years since his samadhic experience and his more recent glimpse of Cosmic Consciousness. Don’t miss: – Deep insights into the chakras and the mystical power of Kundalini –…
#154 – Three ways to unblock your chakras
Awakening your chakras is key to all spiritual powers and wisdom. In this episode you will learn three simple secrets to help you unblock your chakras so that you can begin to experience the fullness of your Divine potential! This is not just theoretical information. This is precious mystical knowledge that Richard has distilled following his samadhic…
#153 – What REALLY happens when you awaken your chakras
Ever wondered whether the stories you hear about spiritual masters levitating or becoming invisible are true? Some of them are true. And Master of Yoga Dr. George King was one of these masters! Awakening your chakras is the key to all spiritual powers and wisdom. In this blockbuster 1-hour episode I sit down with Richard…
Chakras – The Second Most Valuable Thing In All Of Existence: Part 2.
This remarkable statement by Master of Yoga Dr George King extends beyond human existence to the cosmos as a whole. Richard and Chrissie will continue to explore the importance of chakras including: their relation to the elements, how they can get blocked and what we can do to dissolve chakra blockages, with an insight into…
#146 – 3 ways to reconnect with your soul (when you’re feeling spiritually stuck)
If you feel at all lost, unfulfilled, or disconnected from your sense of purpose, tune in to this episode because this week we are talking about reconnecting with your soul.Don’t miss:– The under-utilized ability we can all use to escape from the drudgery of ordinary life– How to unblock your chakras and unlock your innate…
Chakras – The Second Most Valuable Thing In All Of Existence: Part 1.
This remarkable statement by Dr. George King extends beyond human existence to the cosmos as a whole. In this Part 1 episode, Richard and Chrissie will explore what it means to life at a macrocosmic level, as well as to us all as individuals at a microcosmic level. Drawing on unprecedented revelations made by Dr….
Earth Goddess: A New Ecology
Ecology is how living things interact with their environment. But one thing that is missing from mainstream ecology is how we interact with the Earth Goddess – upon whom we live – as a highly-evolved, conscious intelligence. In this show, co-host Chrissie Blaze, will be discussing with her guest, Alyson Lawrence, the true nature of…
#116 – Psychic Powers For Spiritual Workers (Activate Your Higher Chakras)
Psychic powers are something innate within us all. They are not a gift some people are born with and some people aren’t. Anyone can develop psychic powers – and the best reason to develop them is to do more to help other people. Helping others is the most important thing that any of us can do….
#115 – What Is Psychic Vision Really Like? (From Personal Experience)
Does clairvoyance (psychic vision) sound mysterious to you?All of the senses can be used psychically and psychic vision is just one of many psychic powers anyone can develop.So what is it really like to see something or someone psychically – rather than with your physical eyes? And what are you actually seeing?In this week’s episode…
#114 – Psychic Powers: Fact vs Fiction
Is telepathy real?Is it possible to communicate with people after they have died – and even see them?Can people really levitate?Do psychic powers play a role in genius?There is still a lot of mystery surrounding psychic powers and, because of that, a lot of misconceptions too.If they are real, how do they actually work?Join me…
#113 – Want To Become Psychic? (Advice From A 40-Year Veteran)
Anyone can be psychic – it’s just a question of practice. If you want proof of whether psychic powers really exist, and what they’re like, the best way is to experience them for yourself. Richard is the author of the classic international bestseller Unlock Your Psychic Powers and has decades of experience. In this week’s episode we…
Service Leads to Kundalini Heaven (Part 3)
Materialism is the lie that the meaning of life is the accumulation of wealth, and pleasures we experience through the senses. It is an illusion fuelled by fear and doubt to enslave us all. The good news is that we can rise above this completely unnatural state of limitation… We can be…
Service Leads to Kundalini Heaven (Part 2)
One of the most rewarding aspects of the spiritual path is realizing for ourselves who we truly are and why we’re here. We’re here to evolve spiritually – to free ourselves from the bondage of fear and the materialistic trap which keeps us from achieving our spiritual destiny. The secret to our spiritual evolution –…
Service Leads to Kundalini Heaven (Part 1)
The purpose of all our lives is to evolve spiritually. The key to your spiritual evolution is raising the mystical power we all have at the base of the spine known as “Kundalini”. What can you do to raise this power? And what incredible experiences can you have when you begin to do so? In…
#12 – Key To Your Spiritual Advancement
Kundalini is a mystical power located at the base of the spine, sometimes referred to as the “Serpent Power”. Controlling this power is key to Enlightenment, Cosmic Consciousness and beyond. In fact, we know from Master of Yoga Dr. George King that the main, if not the only, reason we are here on Earth is…