The Aetherius Society offers spiritual healing free of charge. Everybody is welcome to receive spiritual healing.
In person spiritual healing is not available at the moment, but will be offered again in the near future. In the meantime we invite you to request absent healing instead. Please contact us for details.
Visit Us
Healing Sanctuary
The Aetherius Temple, 36 Kelvedon Road, Fulham, London SW6 5BW
Most Wednesdays, from 10:45 am to 8:45 pm
NB: Treatments are by appointment only.
Contact Us
Find out more or make an appointment:
+44 (0) 20 7736 4187

Hands-on healing
The method of hands-on healing used in The Aetherius Society has been named “The King Technique." It is a simple, effective and balanced technique that was devised by Dr. George King to heal the physical body by treating the aura of the patient.
Each treatment takes about half an hour.
There is no charge for treatment, but donations towards the cost of running the Temple are greatly appreciated.
Learn more about healing yourself and others.
Absent healing
In absent healing, spiritual energy is invoked by visualization, prayer and mantra by our team of healers, and is directed to those who have requested this kind of spiritual healing from The Aetherius Society. This is ideal for people who are not able to come to our center for any reason.
Our absent healing service is free, but donations are welcome.

How to request spiritual healing
Please reach us by phone to make an appointment or to request absent healing: +44 (0) 20 7736 4187.
Seek medical advice
While this treatment can be highly effective, we cannot guarantee results. Spiritual healing is a complementary therapy, not an alternative therapy. This means that it is meant to be used in addition to appropriate conventional medical help, not instead of it, and patients are advised to seek the appropriate medical help. Spiritual healers should always advise those they give healing to of this, and should of course never guarantee a cure.
What the healer will do
The healer will either lay their hands on your physical body, or a few inches away from your body if you are not comfortable with physical contact.

Does spiritual healing work?
It is important to remember that all conditions can be treated by spiritual healing – but not all people.
Some people are more receptive than others to this treatment, due to a number of factors such as karma and mental outlook.
As such the results of healing can vary a great deal. If the patient has faith in the technique and the healer, this will of course aid the healing process, but is not necessary; this is not faith healing as practiced in some religions – it is based instead on spiritual energy. This being the case, it is possible for a skeptic to receive spiritual healing and benefit from it.
Spiritual healing can help people in many different ways – sometimes unexpected. It may completely cure someone – or may not, but may instead help them to deal with the condition they have and to become more positive.
It is extremely rare for someone to receive spiritual healing and then report no improvement afterwards whatsoever, and indeed many people report that they feel a great deal better, often where other treatments have failed. Miraculous instantaneous cures are rare – but not unknown.
What are other people saying?
The King technique of spiritual healing is the real deal. I had the pleasure of visiting The Aetherius Society Headquarters in Hollywood on three occasions to receive spiritual healing.
I received tremendous healing from the hands of The Aetherius Society healers. I literally felt the tension in my body melt away at the touch of the healer’s hands. It was incredible! My symptoms have dramatically improved and I am confident that with a few more sessions I will completely heal. In fact, I am so impressed by the effectiveness of the King technique that I plan to learn it so that I also can give healing. I highly recommend the King technique to anyone interested in spiritual healing.
– Andrew, Los Angeles
My favorite part about Spiritual Healing is that it's so darn simple, but so effective. As a person that's received healing, I've walked away from a session feeling 30 - 50% better than how I did when I first sat in the chair, and that's only with the human touch of a healer, no chemicals, no probing, nothing else.
– Natalie, Los Angeles
Once again, my heartfelt thanks to all who rallied in the last couple of days to send me healing. Another remarkable outcome! Wednesday evening I presented to hospital with pleural effusion of the left side, as a result of the operation I had had 4 weeks ago (very common side effect).
However, there was significant fluid there such that the plan was to use a long syringe and remove the fluid on Friday. Well you can imagine the aghast looks on the registrars' faces when they visited me Friday morning.
I was showered, dressed and breathing 100% better. They had a mobile ultrasound machine which could clearly show that the fluid build up had reduced significantly. This created a bit of a spectacle with more medical team members turning up around me as the comparisons between the Wednesday X-ray and this one were being made.
The head registrar said, “Well I don’t know what we’ve done, but clearly there is no need for an invasive procedure”. Naturally, I said "thank you", with a feeling of relief, but really couldn’t quite tell the throng of people present that it was probably the spiritual energy I’d been receiving over the last 12 hours that had done the trick!
– Norny, Auckland
The results of spiritual techniques as promoted on this website vary and cannot always be guaranteed. Recipients of spiritual healing of any kind (sometimes simply referred to as “healing”) – be it absent healing or contact healing or any other form of healing – should where necessary consult an appropriate qualified medical practitioner. The healing offered by The Aetherius Society is complementary healing and is not meant to replace conventional medical treatment. Results of healing vary and cannot always be guaranteed. Attenders at Aetherius Society events attend and take part at their own risk.