Karma and Reincarnation
You’re here to go through certain sets of experiences. It’s up to you what happens to you… You are the person who chooses your destiny.
– Master of Yoga Dr. George King, ‘Life After Death’
Karma is not about punishment – it is the great cosmic teacher that gives us the experiences we need to reach Enlightenment – and even beyond. It is absolutely for our benefit in every way, even if it doesn’t always seem like it.
We all have karma from our past actions – positive, negative and somewhere in between.
Creating positive karma is key to spiritual mastery.
Discover how to navigate your journey through experience – transmute your negative karma, create positive karma, and master life on Earth!
What is karma?
...the Law of Karma is the law of cause and effect.
That it is: action and reaction being opposite and equal. And that is it.
– Master of Yoga Dr George King, 'Karma and Reincarnation'
In everyday conversation, you sometimes hear “what goes around, comes around”. This is a loose but accurate description of how karma works. So, in other words, do good and good comes back to you. Do bad and bad comes back to you.
In the Bible it says “…whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7), which describes karma simply, but perfectly as a definite law of cause and effect.
Newton states in his third law of motion “Action and reaction are opposite and equal”, a definition commonly used to describe karma in Buddhism. This is, incidentally, a great example of science and spirituality expressing the same idea – something that will become more and more common as science and spirituality evolve in the Aquarian Age.
Karma is not a superstitious, miraculous thing magically imposed by a mythical God on an otherwise scientific universe; on the contrary, it is at the root of all known and unknown scientific laws. It is the very essence of logic.
Master of Yoga Dr George King taught that not only is karma completely real, but also all-encompassing:
All Creation is governed strictly by the all-pervasive law of karma. No aspect of creation is outside of this law. It is a perfect, irrevocable law, for it is one of the laws, which are God.
– Dr. George King, from The Nine Freedoms
This means:
- Karma is an aspect of God itself; a natural, all-pervasive law.
- Karma applies to absolutely everyone and everything – everywhere – at all times.
- Karma is perfectly exact, just and fair in all ways.
Extract from a lecture given by Master of Yoga Dr. George King

Karma is perfectly exact, just and fair in all ways. Its purpose is not to punish but to teach.

Master of Yoga Dr. George King – Your guide to truth
Man was not born to suffer pain and misery. Joy, good health, longevity, knowledge, illumination—these are the attributes of man's birthright.
– Master of Yoga Dr. George King, Karma & Reincarnation
So how can we apply this understanding of karma to improve our lives?
How can we make sense of our suffering – and the suffering of others?
How can we change our karma for the better? And can we change the karma of the world?
What happens after we die?
Millions of words have been spoken and countless books have been written on the subjects of karma and reincarnation, but rarely, if ever, has the truth about this subject been given so simply and practically than by – and through – Dr. George King.
The teachings of Dr. King, and the enlightened extraterrestrial beings he was a channel for, can help you navigate your journey through experience in the best way possible.
Dr. King was a Master not only of Karma Yoga but also of Raja Yoga, Kundalini Yoga and Gnani Yoga as well. He devoted 8-10 hours per day for 10 years to these intense spiritual practices, and was eventually able to enter the state of nirvikalpa samadhi – also known as Cosmic Consciousness; the highest state of consciousness on Earth.
He spoke with the authority of a Master who had direct experience of the Divine Self within.
He shared these truths to help spiritual seekers advance more quickly towards Enlightenment by changing their karma, and the karma of the world, for the better.
Master of Yoga Dr. George King – Your guide to truth
Man was not born to suffer pain and misery. Joy, good health, longevity, knowledge, illumination—these are the attributes of man's birthright.
– Master of Yoga Dr. George King, Karma & Reincarnation
So how can we apply this understanding of karma to improve our lives?
How can we make sense of our suffering – and the suffering of others?
How can we change our karma for the better? And can we change the karma of the world?
What happens after we die?
Millions of words have been spoken and countless books have been written on the subjects of karma and reincarnation, but rarely, if ever, has the truth about this subject been given so simply and practically than by – and through – Dr. George King.
The teachings of Dr. King, and the enlightened extraterrestrial beings he was a channel for, can help you navigate your journey through experience in the best way possible.
Dr. King was a Master not only of Karma Yoga but also of Raja Yoga, Kundalini Yoga and Gnani Yoga as well. He devoted 8-10 hours per day for 10 years to these intense spiritual practices, and was eventually able to enter the state of nirvikalpa samadhi – also known as Cosmic Consciousness; the highest state of consciousness on Earth.
He spoke with the authority of a Master who had direct experience of the Divine Self within.
He shared these truths to help spiritual seekers advance more quickly towards Enlightenment by changing their karma, and the karma of the world, for the better.
Discover more about karma and reincarnation in this mind-blowing lecture by Dr. King. Learn more.
This short booklet by Dr. King provides a simple and clear introduction to the vast subject of karma and reincarnation. Learn more.
What happens when we die? Where do we go? Will we remember our lives now after we pass on? Will we meet up with loved ones – and recognize them – after death? This fascinating lecture answers all these questions and more. Learn more.

Karma is our ever-present Divine teacher through the mysterious journey we call – life. The purpose of karma is to help us evolve spiritually through experience back to our Source.
The purpose of karma – experience and evolution
The life in you is the same life that is expressing itself in trillions and trillions of different ways throughout creation, in order to gain experience – in order to gain a greater knowledge of the Divine Source.
The more this necessary experience and knowledge are gained, the closer this life gets back to its Divine Source, from which it came in the beginning.
Dr. King said:
When you really study the nature of all things, you can see that ALL LIFE is ONE. It is expressing itself in thousands of different ways in order to gain the essential experience of this terrestrial classroom. If you regard all life in this way, you will better understand your own particular tiny position in this great sea of life.
If you imagine, for a moment, that you are like a sponge in a great sea and the sea is life, this life is flowing through you and whilst it is within you, it is manifesting itself as a sponge. Then it flows on and manifests itself as a sea anemone; then as a fish. Then it changes its density and form and becomes air. Then it manifests itself as a rock, as a tree, or an animal, as a human being, as an Adept, as a Master, as an Interplanetary Being, reaching ever upwards towards its Creative Source.
Every second of our existence is experience.
Experience gives us the opportunity to learn vital lessons; to evolve spiritually and become better, wiser people.
Karma is not a punishment for our past thoughts and actions, and it’s certainly not about vengeance.
Karma is a teacher, and it is the best teacher we could ever have because it gives us exactly the lessons we need to master every lesson in this classroom called “Earth”.
If we understand how karma works – and work with it, every experience can become a stepping stone towards a greater realization of God.
There is no test we cannot overcome
An individual is never given a task they are not capable of. This is a Law of God. With perseverance, enthusiasm and hard work – you can succeed.
– Dr. George King, Realize Your Inner Potential through the path of spiritual service – King Yoga
No matter who we are, we can all draw inspiration from within ourselves – and use it to realize our own unique spiritual destiny.
We would not be faced with the tests we are faced with if we could not overcome them. And by overcoming them we become the best people we can possibly be – and even inspire others to do the same. This will take us all the way to full Enlightenment.
Our greatest challenges are also our greatest opportunities for growth.
Victory over our karmic tests is the only victory that really matters in the journey to Enlightenment – the victory of our higher selves over our lower selves.
Does helping others interfere with their karma?
Some people use karma as an excuse not to help others who are suffering because, they claim, it would be interfering with the karma of those suffering and the essential lessons that they need.
According to Dr. King, this is wrong.
First, whatever good you do for them, must be within the range of their karmic pattern, or it could not happen. In fact, the suffering of another person is a karmic opportunity for us to demonstrate love and compassion, and we would be creating negative karma for ourselves if we turned our back on them.
Second, we are all part of a greater whole, i.e. we are one with all things in creation. The entirety of creation is God – and yet God is even more than that. The realization of this “all-ness” of God is one of the greatest aspects of wisdom.
When you realize your oneness with all things in creation, you realize that helping another person is in a sense just the same as helping yourself. Why? Because that other person is a Spark of God, just as you are.
You are in fact as closely “related” to someone starving in Yemen as you are to your own family. And, therefore, helping another person is simple spiritual logic – as logical as your left hand working together with your right hand to help your whole being.
Can you change your karma?
If there is one thing that a man can control, that is his karmic pattern. All of you have this strictly under your own control. You, and nobody else but you. It is all yours for good or for what may seem to be bad. You can weave a karmic pattern for yourself which will bring suffering or joy.... So man controls his own karmic pattern every minute of every 24 hours, during both sleep and waking states. He controls and moulds a pattern for himself, which we will refer to as the karmic pattern.
– Master of Yoga Dr. George King, 'Karma and Reincarnation'
Some people argue that our karma is set and cannot change. This is not true. We all have the power to change our karma for better or worse.
The very nature of karma is that it is dependent on our thoughts and actions. Whatever thoughts and actions we “sow” today – we will “reap” the karmic consequences of tomorrow, or at some point in this or a future life.
All our thoughts and actions have “opposite and equal” reactions. Therefore, every second of our lives we are determining what our future karma will be. If we have done wrong, as all of us have, then by doing right now, we can burn up the negative karma created by our wrong-doing, and create positive karma in its place.
Dr. King used the analogy of a boat on the ocean to illustrate what we can each do to navigate our own journey through experience:
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If you were to regard yourself as a boat on an ocean, the ocean that you use, upon which to make your journey is karma. The wind which is blowing to help you, or hinder you, on your journey is karma. The boat is you, and the intelligence you use to guide that boat is also you.
Now, you can do one of two things. If you have learned your lessons correctly in previous lives, you will know how to trim your sails so as to make the best possible use of every wind, whether it be a howling gale or even a light zephyr, and you can steer your boat from point A to point B, your predetermined destination.
But if you are too lazy or too indolent; if through past experiences you have put a mental block upon yourself so that you are incapable or even too lazy to steer your boat, then what happens? You are at the mercy of the karmic winds and the karmic currents and the waves dash over you making your journey very slow, very tedious and very unpleasant.
If on the other hand, you have gained the experience; if you have read your charts correctly – charts given by Jesus, Buddha, Shankara, Krishna, the Bhagavad Gita etc etc etc; in modern times, the latest Bible: The Nine Freedoms. If you have read these charts correctly, and have learned from them, they have told you how to steer your boat, how to trim your sails, so that you can get to your predetermined destination, wherever that may be. And I think this little illustration should give you an idea of karma.
– Master of Yoga Dr. George King, 'Karma and Reincarnation'
By helping others you will be creating positive karma and burning up your negative karma – even though that should not be your motive. In fact, motive is a key element of service. Our motive should be as pure and selfless as possible.
This is the approach to life that will take you safely into the harbor of Enlightenment.

Imagine a boat on the ocean – you are the boat, and the wind and sea are karma. We all have tests to overcome, but by living our lives in service to others, we can steer our boat into the safe harbor of Enlightenment.
What happens after we die?
Reincarnation - the “wheel of rebirth”
Here you are in this classroom. You've got some lessons to learn. You don’t learn them. You die. You live in another realm for a time. You come back. You learn more. You die. Live in another realm for a time. You come back. You learn more. You die. And so it goes on for life, after life, after life, after life. Dozens of lives. Scores of lives. Hundreds of lives.
– Master of Yoga Dr. George King, ‘Karma and Reincarnation’
No discussion of karma can be complete without reincarnation.
Karma and reincarnation are inseparable.
In fact, reincarnation is a logical consequence of karma.
When someone dies, they will not have worked out all their karma. They will not have “reaped” all that they “sowed”, and there will not have been an “opposite and equal” reaction to their every thought and action.
So in order for the law of karma to be fair and perfect, they must reincarnate so that they can continue “reaping” what they “sowed” – so that they can continue their journey through experience.
After we die and before we are reborn, we spend a period of time on another plane of existence, sometimes called another “realm”, of Earth, which exists at a different frequency of vibration.
These other realms still appear physical to those living on them – but they are physical at a higher or lower frequency than this realm.
When we die, we go to the other realm which best suits our level of spiritual evolution. For example, a mass murderer would go to a lower level of vibration whereas someone who devoted their life in service to others would go to a higher level of vibration.
This is so that they can continue to gain the experience they need in their evolutionary journey.
When we are ready to reincarnate on this physical plane again, it isn’t a random game of chance that determines where and when we are born.
We choose the circumstances of our birth and the experiences that we need:
...when a man goes to the Hall of Self-Judgment after death, he judges himself. In other words, the Higher Aspect of man judges the lower aspect. He is not judged by anything outside of himself. He is the one who imposes these limitations upon himself, if they need to be imposed. Or, he lifts the limitation from himself, to give a greater freedom, a broader expression, if this is allowed by his Karmic pattern.
...man not only makes for himself his own body, but he also chooses the exact time of rebirth onto this planet and chooses his own parents. Because the Higher Self of man knows exactly what experiences have to be undergone in order to gain the Enlightenment necessary in that life…
– Master of Yoga Dr. George King, Karma and Reincarnation
Often the experiences we are faced with in life can seem like the last thing we ever wanted – at least to our ordinary, conscious mind.
But the truth is that if we had been born as anyone else, in different circumstances, we would not gain the experience we need at this time in our journey to God-realization.
What are the other realms of existence really like?
Well, there is no such thing as eternal hell and purgatory and damnation. That is the biggest unadulterated rubbish I have ever heard of. There is no such thing as: if you do not believe that this Master is the one and only, or that Master is the one and only, you’re condemned to eternal damnation. That is unadulterated trash—and a lie. And a dangerous one.
– Master of Yoga Dr. George King, ‘Karma and Reincarnation’
Dr. King has had countless communications with people living on other realms of Earth who are awaiting reincarnation here on this plane. He taught that there are four realms below this one, and six above; naturally “below” and “above” here not referring to physical locations, but to frequency of vibration.
Although we all have been on the other realms of Earth many times between our incarnations upon this physical realm, few of us remember anything about the conditions there. Dr. King traveled to these other realms, from the highest to the lowest, many times in a conscious state of projection. Each time he returned with full memory of his experiences some of which on the higher planes were indescribably beautiful, while on the lower realms he saw the absolute depths and degradation to which humanity can fall.
These other realms are not like the orthodox notions of “heaven” and “hell” – though the higher realms are sometimes referred to as the “heavens,” and the lower realms – as the “hells.” The more basic level, or levels, of so-called “heaven” are sometimes referred to as “the spirit world.”
Here’s a sample of what he revealed about life on the higher realms:
...while life after death is not the wonderful heaven that some people paint it, nevertheless it consists of realms which are very beautiful, and the higher up the scale you go, the more wonderfully beautiful these realms are in every way. But, more important than that, these realms are very useful inasmuch as people have every possible conceivable opportunity of advancing and preparing themselves…
And here’s another extract, this time referring to life on the lower realms:
These are the realms of drunkards, drug fiends, murderers, evil entities, black magicians* and so on. These are the realms in which they go… And you get several layers of advancement, too, on these regions—the lower regions. You get the really low regions where the worst would go to, and these are not very pretty places at all. In fact, they are not like Dante’s Inferno, but they are not very pretty places I might tell you.
(* Please note: The terms “black” and “white” refer to the type of magic used and have nothing whatsoever to do with skin color or racial origin. The metaphorical use of colors in this way can be traced back at least to the ancient Indian Yoga Sutras of Sri Patanjali (Chapter IV, verse 7), and possibly even earlier. The Aetherius Society is opposed to racism of all kinds and welcomes spiritual seekers of all backgrounds.)
Even though there are realms higher than the physical realm where we exist now, none of the other realms are more important than this one, in certain respects at least, because this is the realm to which all reincarnating souls must return; only here can full mastery over experience on this planet take place.
Ascension - mastery over the “wheel of rebirth”
When you use everything that the Law gives you, you go to the stars. When you do not use what the Law gives you, you reincarnate again and again and again and again until you pass an examination which is a very practical examination, which allows you to go into the next classroom.
– Master of Yoga Dr. George King, 'Karma and Reincarnation'
When you reach a certain stage of spiritual evolution, after living life after life in harmony with the natural, Divine Law of Karma, you are ready to graduate from the “classroom” of Earth.
You no longer need to be reborn on Earth because there is nothing further for you to learn here – you have mastered your life lessons – passed your examination, as it were.
You are ready for the initiation of Ascension and freedom from the “wheel of rebirth”. You still have karma of course – everyone and everything always does – but you have no karma keeping you here.
Reaching Ascension is the pinnacle of human achievement and takes many lives of conscious, sustained effort. That said, the Cosmic Masters have said that Ascension is our birthright:
...it is the birthright of every lifestream upon Terra to enjoy the highest form of initiation upon Terra - Ascension.
“This elevated state of being is not outside of your grasp, but within it. You can reach inwards, contact the great spark of everlasting Divinity there, manifest this inner spark in your outer thought and action and so manipulate your karmic pattern that the higher meditative states of samadhi can be mastered at will.
– Mars Sector 6, 'The Nine Freedoms'
After the Initiation of Ascension, you will have the choice to remain here on Earth – or to go on to begin a new cycle of experience on another planet.
If you choose to remain here, you will be initiated into The Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth – as an Ascended Master.
The Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth is an ancient mystical order comprised, for the most part, of ascended male and female masters who are working “behind the scenes” in order to help humanity.
This is a massive sacrifice – they are giving up the opportunity of living on a more advanced planet in order to remain here to help the human race. They don’t need to remain here for their own benefit, but their presence is essential for humanity.
Even though most of them work in anonymity as far as mankind is concerned, there are a handful of Ascended Masters who have worked more openly including Count St Germain, the Master Koot Hoomi, the Master Morya, and the Lord Maitreya.
The Ascended Masters have colossal mental, psychic and even physical powers; they are literally superhuman. However, they have the wisdom and realization of God to use these powers in the only way that really counts: to aid the evolution and enlightenment of all life on Earth.

(L to R) Mt. Shasta (California, USA), Castle Peak (Colorado, USA), and Mt. Kilimanjaro (Tanzania) are three retreats of the Ascended Masters. A number of these Masters are moving closer to so-called "civilization" in preparation for the great change. Learn more about the great change.
Discover more about karma and reincarnation in this mind-blowing lecture by Dr. King. Learn more.
This short booklet by Dr. King provides a simple and clear introduction to the vast subject of karma and reincarnation. Learn more.
What happens when we die? Where do we go? Will we remember our lives now after we pass on? Will we meet up with loved ones – and recognize them – after death? This fascinating lecture answers all these questions and more. Learn more.
Life after death for the ordinary person and for the great spiritual Master are very different. The really advanced, inspired, enlightened spiritual worker is destined to experience the magic and joy of a realm of existence much higher than the basic spirit world. Learn more.
In this seminar Dr. King shares his vast knowledge and experience of metaphysics and life after death. Learn more.
TRANSFORM YOUR KARMA – subscribe to our free email series
Dr. George King said:
“The more you understand [the Law of Karma], the more you can cooperate with it and the more you can stop your lower self from trying to go against it, because you will know that you never can. Whatever you do, whatever you think, wherever you are, whatever time it is, the Law is governing this and you are building up a certain pattern for yourself.”
We can all live our lives in harmony with the Law of Karma so that we can evolve spiritually and realize our inner potential.
TRANSFORM YOUR KARMA – subscribe to our free 4-day email series comprising:
- Email 1: Key 1 - Overcome fear
- Email 2: Key 2 - Do as much good as possible
- Email 3: Key 3 - Listen to your Higher Self
- Email 4: Five ways to contact your Higher Self
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