Intuition and psychic development
Everyone can be psychic
Psychic and intuitive abilities, like the ability to give spiritual healing, should not be regarded as the gift of the few – they are the birthright of everyone on Earth. These abilities are latent within us all – and intuition and psychic development can occur through spiritual practices, such as yoga breathing and mantra, and by various forms of service to others, such as prayer and spiritual healing.

Psychic development can result from practices such as yoga breathing
Certain techniques are specifically oriented towards developing these abilities, while others are oriented towards some other goal, but nevertheless result in psychic and intuitive development, as a side effect, so to speak. For example, if you practice yoga breathing very intensely over a long period of time, with a view to gaining enlightenment, with no interest whatsoever in psychic abilities, you will nevertheless become psychic as a result.
While everyone can develop their psychic abilities, it may not be a particular individual’s destiny to have this as a priority. It may be much more important for someone to learn a particular skill not directly relating to anything psychic, though every skill can be enhanced by introducing a psychic element to it.
Psychic abilities are neither good nor bad
Psychic abilities are neither good nor bad in themselves – it is how they are used that makes them good or bad. If, for example, you use psychic ability to look at the aura of a patient before giving them spiritual healing, and you see clearly exactly what part of the aura needs special attention, and you then tune in to the exact magnetic energy required to heal that person, this is obviously a good thing to do. If, however, you use psychic ability to satisfy greed or bring harm to someone else, this is obviously a misuse. It is as simple as that.
Psychic development and enlightenment
It is not possible to gain enlightenment, as defined in The Nine Freedoms, without first developing psychic abilities.
When psychic abilities have been developed – they should be rejected, with the exception of those needed in service. This will help to bring about true enlightenment, which is the yogi’s goal. The psychic stage cannot be missed out.
In the words of the Ascended Master Saint Goo-Ling speaking through Dr. King:
Dear students: You may all know this, that there are many, many paths to enlightenment. No one path can offer all truths. There is some truth to be found in all these ways. There are many ways, which specialize in giving to people certain powers of clairvoyance, clairaudience, psychometrical powers and so on. But, when all these are boiled down, they mean very little.
You see, it is good to develop psychic faculties because the great discipline is to develop them so that you can reject their use, save in service for mankind – not for one man, not for family, not for self, but service to all men.
The difference between intuition and psychic development
Like so many words, the word “intuition” is used differently by different people. One way of looking at the intuition is as the “voice” of the Divine Spirit within manifesting through the mind – the highest part of ourselves “speaking” to us. As such, the intuition is inherently spiritual in nature – whereas psychic powers are not necessarily spiritual at all.
Viewed in this light, the intuition is the most valuable faculty we have, because it is through intuition that we recognize spiritual truth. It is intuition above all which will tell you whether or not the content of this website is true. The difficult part is “hearing” the intuition, amidst the din of worldly clamor we fill our minds with every day. And once heard, the intuition has to be recognized for what it is. All too often people mistake what they want to be true for the voice of intuition telling them that it is true.
How to develop the intuition
The more we listen to our intuition – and the more we act on what we hear – the better our intuition will get. The more truthful we are, and the more we dedicate ourselves to truth, the more we will attract truth and be able to recognize it.
Purity of motive is also vital for developing intuition. If we really want spiritual truth so that we can use this knowledge to help others, and if we put enough effort into finding it – we will find it, and recognize it. This is guaranteed by the Divine law.
Service and spiritual practices, as mentioned above are also excellent ways to develop the intuition.
One of the first manifestations of superconsciousness is clairvoyance.
Dr. George King