First Steps
If you think The Aetherius Society might be for you, here's some ideas of how you might like to get started.
This page will introduce you to the spiritual activities and events that we recommend as first steps, in addition to exploring our Discovery Guides on this website.
These spiritual activities and events, around the world and online, will give you the opportunity to experience for yourself the spiritual path of King Yoga.

Online Twelve Blessings Services
Tune in with our online services to radiate spiritual energy for global healing. These Services are an easy way to start giving service to others, to feel inspired and to charge yourself with spiritual energy. They are broadcast around the world so that people can participate from anywhere. Join in with people from dozens of different countries.
King Yoga Experience Events
The King Yoga Experience is for seekers of all backgrounds who wish to explore – and begin to experience for themselves – the life-changing spiritual path of King Yoga. King Yoga is not just a theory – it is a living teaching that can change your life and the world. You don’t just believe in King Yoga – you experience King Yoga. This is not a metaphor – it is literally true. Experience, more than any debate or philosophy, will prove to you that King Yoga works.
All you need is an open mind and a truth-seeking heart.
Browse our programme of events in London, Los Angeles and Barnsley.

The journey within is the quest for contact with the God-Spark. It is the beginning of knowledge of who you are – of your Real Self – and of the very nature of God itself. Going within will also help to develop your psychic powers, like clairvoyance – seeing things beyond the ordinary physical world around you. We all have the potential to develop these powers, but we need to make some effort to realize this potential. When we do, we can do more to change the world and find enlightenment.
Discover more at our workshops throughout the year!
Browse our programme of events in London (UK), Los Angeles (USA), Royal Oak, (Michigan, USA), Auckland (New Zealand), Barnsley (South Yorkshire, UK) and other locations around the world.
Twelve Blessings Service and Power Circle
Radiate spiritual energy to the world as a whole and to individuals in need during these powerful and uplifting Services. We use visualization, mantra and prayer – including the mystic practice of The Twelve Blessings.
Browse the calendar of upcoming services at each of our locations worldwide.

Sunday Divine Service
Nourish your soul, expand your consciousness, enrich your life and help heal the world. Come together with other spiritual workers to discover the wisdom of the Cosmic Masters, to go within, and to give spiritual healing – not just to one person, but to the world.
Browse the calendar of upcoming services at each of our locations worldwide.
What else can you do?
At any time you are warmly invited to any of our other public events and activities too!

Operation Prayer Power

Pilgrimages to holy mountains