Spiritual Aliens’ Message to Earth
With Darren Ball
Earth has been visited by advanced extraterrestrial intelligences for millennia. Identified as angels, prophets, avatars, divine incarnations, and even as gods – these beings were in fact not from the realm of the supernatural – but from other planets – with technology so advanced as to be indistinguishable from magic.
The Master Jesus, Lord Buddha, Sri Krishna, St. Peter, Confucius, Lao Zi, and Sri Patanjali are among those who have graced our world with their enlightened alien presence.
Where do these beings come from exactly?
From other planets in this Solar System! So far ahead of us are these civilisations – not just technologically – but spiritually as well – that they actually exist on higher “dimensions” – as yet undetectable to Earth’s primitive science.
Sometimes born among us in terrestrial bodies just like ours, sometimes making more fleeting visits in spacecraft, the good news is that their intentions are friendly – in fact more than friendly – they have actually saved us from destruction on several occasions.
Find out what their message is to Earth now in this modern age – be risen by their consciousness-shifting wisdom – and discover how you can work with them to help build a better world!
We also invite you to join us for a social with free refreshments afterwards, as our personal gift to you after taking part in this Spiritual Experience Event – meet like-minded souls, chat with kindred spirits, and make new spiritual friends!
There is a 20% discount for Members & Friends off ALL Aetherius Society events taking place at The Aetherius Temple in London. Click here to become a Friend.
Presented by

Darren Ball
Darren Ball co-hosts the acclaimed podcast ‘The Spiritual Freedom Show’ with Richard Lawrence, the award-winning international bestselling author of UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Message and Contacts with the Gods from Space. He is also the inspired creator of www.12blessings.org – a consciousness-shifting online platform for global spiritual healing active in 80+ countries – bringing joy, upliftment and wisdom to countless truth-seekers around the world. His inspired, logical and dynamic approach to presenting extraordinary spiritual truths make him an impactful speaker who is sure to excite the imagination and break the barriers of conventional dogma in this fascinating event. www.darrenkball.com
Date and Time
Saturday, August 17, 2024, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm BST
£5.00 (£4 for Members and Friends)
Contact us
020 7736 4187
The Aetherius Temple, 36 Kelvedon Road, London, SW6 5BW