Cosmic Voice

If you are searching for spiritual truth and more information about advanced extraterrestrials visiting our world, you will find many answers to your questions in Cosmic Voice.

Cosmic Voice is one of the journals of The Aetherius Society. In it you will discover a unique collection of spiritual wisdom given by advanced extraterrestrial intelligences from the higher planes of Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn, who spoke through the yogic mediumship of Master of Yoga Dr. George King.

Remember, there is nothing more important than wisdom. Dr. King described wisdom as “knowledge activated by power through love”. In other words, applying our knowledge to helping others.

In these texts you can find great knowledge; knowledge that can inspire you to become someone of greater enlightenment yourself. And more importantly, knowledge that can inspire you to become one of the great spiritual pioneers of the future New Age of peace and enlightenment on Earth.

Discover more about the unique revelations in each volume by clicking on each one below.