Blog/Podcast Archives: Posts

#25 – The Spiritual Powers Of The Ascended Masters: Control Over Mind And Matter

Ascension is where we are all headed. It is our destiny on Earth. An Ascended Master doesn’t just have control over mind, but matter too. That’s the key to spiritual evolution – and the reason we’re all here. One of the most famous examples of Ascension is the Master Jesus. After he died on the…

#24 - The Spiritual Freedom Show

#24 – Advanced Spiritual Wisdom Explained: The Evolution Of All Life Back To The Divine Source

In the past, it was common for spiritual seekers to detach from the world around them in search of God-realization. Even today, it would be easy to think that “being spiritual” was about going within for the sake of our own inner peace and personal development. But is that what it’s really about? In the…

Episode23 - The Spiritual Freedom Show

#23 – Advanced Spiritual Wisdom Explained: Spiritualizing Matter

In this episode of The Spiritual Freedom Show, Richard talks about a massive change that was made to the ancient wisdom we have followed on Earth for thousands of years. This change was so significant that it staggered Master of Yoga Dr. George King when he heard it. Even to the likes of a Master…

#22 The Spiritual Freedom Show_1200627 (5)

#22 – Galactic Initiation & Galactic Consciousness

Imagine for a moment Cosmic Consciousness – a state in which you are one with all life upon the Earth…Now try to imagine Galactic Consciousness – a state in which you are one with all life throughout the Galaxy… millions upon million of worlds!This experience of Galactic Consciousness is just one of the essential experiences…

Signature Management

UFOs and Signature Management: how the Colossal “Satellite Number 3” Remains Invisible

“Signature management” is a phrase most people would be unfamiliar with. I only became interested in it when reading the US government UFO report released by the Director of National Intelligence in June this year. According to the report, UFOs appear to use signature management.  What is signature management? We all give off what could…


#21 – The “Sin” Of Ignorance – A Fresh, Liberating And Hopeful Perspective

There is really only one major “sin” on Earth.Can you guess what it is?The Nine Freedoms gives us useful answers free from the traditional dogma and religious baggage that have obscured this and other simple truths.Mars Sector 6 tells us exactly what the problem is, and exactly how to solve it.The only sin, he says,…

The greater you are, the more active you are

#20 – A Secret Of True Spiritual Greatness

What would you consider the hallmark of a great spiritual person?Wisdom? Compassion? Humility? Spiritual Powers?When the Master Aetherius described the greatest Master on the surface of the planet – the Lord Babaji – the word he chose was: active.In this day and age, being active in service is a measure of true greatness.One way that this is…

A Reorientation of Thought

A Reorientation of Thought

However we choose to view the current state of our world and all of the tremendous obstacles that we face, one thing starts to become increasingly clear and that is the pressing need for a complete reorientation of thought as to how we are living upon this planet if we are to survive. The old…

#19 The Spiritual Freedom Show

#19 – Awaken Your Chakras: Love, Service And Spiritual Development

In true meditation, you experience a deep state of oneness. You know that all things are part of a vast, interrelated cosmic whole. Love becomes more than an emotion. It becomes something universal, impersonal and unconditional. Putting this into action is what service to others is really about. But even if you haven’t experienced this…


A Tale of Two Operation Sunbeams

The 1960s could be said to contain demonstrations of both some of the best aspects of our history and some of the worst aspects of our history. Starting with one of the worst, in 1962, for example, something terrible happened. In the Nevada desert in the United States, a series of four nuclear tests took…

#18 The Spiritual Freedom Show

#18 – The Psychic And Intuitive Roadmap To Spiritual Enlightenment

Enlightenment is much harder to attain than many people realize, but also much greater than any of us can really imagine… It is a state far deeper, and more mystical, than basic peace of mind. It is true peace. In the Fourth Freedom, Mars Sector 6 tells us what we can do to open the…

The Spiritual Freedom Show #17

#17 – The Physical And Mental Roadmap To Spiritual Enlightenment

Enlightenment is where we’re all headed, it’s just a question of when!Much more than a vague, wishy-washy state of so-called peace, Enlightenment is the intense realization that God is all – which is true peace.Like anything worth attaining in life, Enlightenment is not something that just happens to you; it is the result of consciously…

#16 The Spiritual Freedom Show

#16 – “Serve And You Will Become Enlightened” – The Words Of A Being From Mars

With the giving of The Nine Freedoms in 1961, Mars Sector 6 stated that: “The greatest yoga is – SERVICE. “The greatest religion is – SERVICE. “The greatest act is that act done in – SERVICE.” And even declared: “Serve – and you will become enlightened.” Catch episode #16 of The Spiritual Freedom Show with…

Aliens in the Sea of Japan

An Alien Base Under The Sea Of Japan

As the name indicates, UFOs – unidentified flying objects – are typically regarded as an aerial phenomenon. However, there is a growing discussion around them not just being seen in our skies, but in our oceans as well.  A few examples of these include: Marc D’Antonio, an astronomer and chief video analyst for the UFO…

What is total freedom?

#15 – The Sun Is The Most Spiritually Evolved Being In The Solar System

There are many spiritual traditions on Earth which have worshipped the Sun – and they have not been wrong in doing so. According to the Cosmic Masters, the Sun is the most holy being in our Solar System. Everything we eat, everything we drink, everything we touch is solidified sunlight; the power and energy of…

Three ways to make fear non-existent

#14 – Three Ways To Make Fear Non-Existent In Your Life

Bravery is essential at every stage of our spiritual evolution. The more we advance, the more we are tested, and the more we can continue to advance.In this episode of The Spiritual Freedom Show, Richard Lawrence takes us back to the First Freedom to focus on three practical ways we can each combat fear in…

Interplanetary Service

Interplanetary Service

Recently, there has been a lot of media coverage regarding UFOs. Questions have been raised to governments about what they know, and, just as importantly, whether this means beings from other worlds are visiting us.  The founder of The Aetherius Society, Dr. George King, taught that beings from other worlds have been visiting us for…

11 Steps to Saturnian Existence

#13 – The Saturnians – How Did They Become So Spiritually Evolved?

The most ancient, the most sacred, the most enlightened beings from any planet in this Solar System come from the planet Saturn. In ‘The Nine Freedoms’, for the first time in history, we have been given a real insight into their true, Divine nature. In their example is the key to attuning ourselves with the…

How to raise the kundalini through service

#12 – Key To Your Spiritual Advancement

Kundalini is a mystical power located at the base of the spine, sometimes referred to as the “Serpent Power”. Controlling this power is key to Enlightenment, Cosmic Consciousness and beyond. In fact, we know from Master of Yoga Dr. George King that the main, if not the only, reason we are here on Earth is…

The Adepts and the animal kingdom

The Adepts and Animals

On May 17th, 1959, the Master Aetherius, a Cosmic Master, spoke through the yogic mediumship of Dr. George King to the attendees of a special Power Circle at Aetherius House in London. He informed them that there were three specially trained Adepts who had come to Earth on a mission to transmute the black magicians…

What happens after Ascension

#11 – What Happens After You Get To Ascension?

After we have reached Ascension – the final initiation for all of us on Earth – we are free from the wheel of rebirth. But what’s next…?! In this episode of the Spiritual Freedom Show, Mars Sector 6 gives us a glimpse – for the first time – into the real nature of interplanetary existence:…

Beyond Nirvana

#10 – What Are The Ascended Masters Really Like?

For centuries people believed that Nirvana was the ultimate state; the final destination; a complete amalgamation with the Divine Source. But, in the Sixth Freedom, Mars Sector 6 reveals to us a completely new vista of spiritual evolution. He gives us a glimpse into the world of the ageless Ascended Masters on Earth and even…

Life on Mars

Life on Mars

The Rover has landed! The search for life on Mars continues unabated. The Rover, named Perseverance, is the largest lander sent to the Red Planet by NASA to date and the first artificial craft to touch down since Curiosity in 2012. Since touchdown on February 18th, 2021, images have been sent back to Earth with…

Royal Extraterrestrial Connection

The Royal Extraterrestrial Connection

With the passing of Prince Philip this month, many tributes have been made to his life of duty to the British crown. But there haven’t been many stories about his lesser-known interest in UFOs and aliens. One such story was first reported in 1997 in an article written by international bestselling author of UFOs and…

Describing the indescribable state of cosmic consciousness

#9 – What Is Cosmic Consciousness Really Like?

In the Fifth Freedom, Mars Sector 6 describes Cosmic Consciousness – the highest state of consciousness we can achieve on Earth. Only a relative handful have ever experienced this state, and even fewer have tried to describe it publicly. In one parable told by the nineteenth-century Hindu Saint Ramakrishna, four friends were out for a…

Three Knights in the Afterlife

Three Knights in the Afterlife

Dr. George King was an extraordinary medium who channelled many unique communicators. What made him extraordinary was that he was able to receive messages of a high spiritual calibre with almost unwavering accuracy. This was the result of the trance state he used; a trance state of meditation known as samadhi. This trance state was…

SFS episode #8-new

#8 – What Love Really Is – According To Spiritual Aliens

If there is anything that will change the world, it’s Love! Not the conditional love we experience as basic emotion, but true, unconditional, impersonal Love – something that motivates our work to help others and which we can radiate, as an energy, to help heal our world. But how can we really express this true…

The Mind of a Planet

The Mind of a Planet – A few thoughts

Our Spiritual Master, Dr. George King, in his address entitled ‘If I could choose’, given on May 26th, 1968, made the following outstanding revelation: The Earth herself could state, this morning, before you leave this church, “I’m going to start again. I want a new race of people on my back.” Shake a little bit…

The Spiritual Freedom Show_1200627-Ep7AAP

#7 – How To Choose Your Spiritual Path

In our search for truth we all have difficult choices to make, like which guru, and which path, will guide us to enlightenment. There are a number of different true paths to the Divine, but there are also a number of false claims and dead-end roads, but, if we learn to use our powers of…


Asteroid Approaching Earth – The Remains of a Planet Destroyed by the Human Race?

This Sunday, March 21st, a 3,000-ft wide asteroid will pass near to Earth. The asteroid is considered “potentially hazardous” by NASA, but all asteroids that come within 4.6 million miles of Earth are classed this way. The closest scientists believe it will get to Earth is still more than five times as far away as…