Blog/Podcast Archives: Posts
How to escape the matrix
If you would burn up your lower Karmic aspects, you would serve. If you would, at this very moment, begin to build tomorrow’s temple upon the sure foundations of today’s right action, you would serve. If you would be free from the materialistic prison cunningly devised to enslave you, you would serve. If you would…
#74 – Why Spiritual Ancients Worshipped The Sun (with Noémi Bates)
We depend on our Sun for absolutely everything in our lives. This week, Noémi Bates shares a moment in her life when this truth came home to her more than ever before! Join international bestselling author Richard Lawrence and guests to discover the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms. Richard has appeared on hundreds of radio…
#73 – Why I Chose To Follow My Spiritual Master (with Mark Bennett)
Nowadays there are loads of people claiming to be wise gurus, space contactees, spiritual teachers, enlightened masters, and so on.And they all seem to be saying much the same thing:That we need more peace and love in the world.That’s all well and good but anyone can say that.It doesn’t mean that they’re really wise people…
#72 – Happiness or Spiritual Joy – What Do You REALLY want? (with Darren Ball)
The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle is said to have made a distinction between two different types of happiness, only one of which can bring you real joy.This week, I share a little bit about the spiritual joy I have found in my life to help inspire you in your own journey to true spiritual fulfilment….
A tale of two worlds
Planet Earth is irrevocably moving towards a great change, the long prophesied New Age. This change is going to affect all life on Earth – certainly on this physical plane – and humanity as a whole has a choice: 1) We either make the necessary changes to our lifestyle and embrace spirituality which will…
#71 – Why I Felt Called To Spiritual Service (with Simon Thode)
In the past, yogis usually tried to focus exclusively on their own personal enlightenment – free from the distractions and problems of others.It may have been a good idea hundreds of years ago, but not today.Today, there simply isn’t time to focus on our own inner peace and development at the expense of the dire immediate needs…
#70 – How I Learned To Overcome My Fears (with Chrissie Blaze)
Fear can imprison us in so many aspects of our lives… Perhaps worst of all, fear can prevent us from pursuing our spiritual destiny, if we allow it to do so. It takes bravery to go against the flow of ordinary existence on Earth and open the door to Enlightenment. This week, Chrissie Blaze shares…
#69 – Gain Control Of Your Mind So You Can Harness Your Psychic Powers (with Lisa Rosser)
Anyone can learn to gain greater control of their conscious mind – and reap the benefits in their spiritual practice, and in their day-to-day life too. This week, Lisa Rosser shares the personal transformation she experienced using one of the simple practices taught by Master of Yoga Dr. George King. Don’t focus on what you…
#68 – The Most Spiritual Thing You Can Do (with Mark Bennett)
What is “being spiritual” really all about, anyway? Finding our own inner peace? Or living with greater compassion? This week, Mark Bennett reflects on the most spiritual thing any of us can do. It’s deep. And even if you think you know the answer… …have you ever stopped to ask “why”? Join international bestselling author…
#67 – Why I Chose The Spiritual Life (with Paul Nugent)
An advanced soul needs more than short-lived happiness or material fulfilment.They need purpose.This week, Paul Nugent reflects on a crossroads in his own life.What path are you taking?Career ambition? Or a life devoted to spirituality – most of all, service to others? Join international bestselling author Richard Lawrence and guests to discover the wisdom of The…
#66 – Why I Believe In Spiritual Aliens (with Darren Ball)
Are we really alone in the universe? Or is the universe in actual fact teeming with intelligent life? And if it is, where are all these aliens? In this week’s podcast, I reflect on intelligent extraterrestrial life. Not just in distant star systems millions of light years away. But much closer to home. On higher…
#65 – Why It Matters To Be Brave (with Julian Rosser)
Thank you for tuning in to the Spiritual Freedom Show! We’d love your feedback on our new format, which now includes a special guest on the show each week to share some of their own insights and experiences that can inspire you in your journey towards spiritual freedom! In this week’s episode: Julian reflects on…
#64 – Personal Stories Of Spiritual Service (with Gino Scialdone)
We’ve been changing things up on the Spiritual Freedom Show! Each week we are inviting a special guest onto the show – someone who lives and practices the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms in their everyday life. Tune in for personal insights, reflections and experiences that can inspire you in your own journey towards spiritual…
#63 – What Saturn Taught Me About Our Destiny (with Lisa Rosser)
We’ve been making some exciting changes to the Spiritual Freedom Show! Each week we’ll be inviting a special guest onto the show – someone who lives and practices the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms in their everyday life. Tune in for insights, observations and personal experiences that can help you in your own journey towards…
#62 – How To REALLY Escape The Matrix – And Find Spiritual Freedom (with Mark Bennett)
We’re making some exciting changes to the Spiritual Freedom Show! Each week we’ll be inviting a special guest onto the show – someone who is doing their best to live their life according to the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms. Tune in every Saturday to catch some of their own insights, observations and personal experiences…
#61 – The Missing Ingredient In Every Religion On Earth
In 1961, Master of Yoga Dr. George King was giving a lecture on The Nine Freedoms when he said this:“That is why every religion will fail, and that’s a prophecy… It must completely fail, because of that one major thing it’s lacking—it’s missed out. It will fail as it is, and it must be changed,…
#60 – A Secret Of Spiritual Detachment
In spiritual teachings from around the world we are told to detach from various things on the path to Enlightenment, like materialism, ego, etc. In this week’s episode: In The Nine Freedoms, specifically the Fifth Freedom – Cosmic Consciousness – we are told one of the greatest secrets of detachment and true Adeptship. ***Join international…
#59 – What A Spiritual Master Knew About Ascension
The next step after Cosmic Consciousness is Ascension.Most people talking about Ascension simply have no idea what they are talking about. Most of all, they vastly underestimate what an incredible realization of your Divine potential it is – and what we need to do to achieve it.Ascension is achieved when you have mastered all the…
#58 – Can You Attain Cosmic Consciousness In This Life?
Cosmic Consciousness is a state in which you experience the greatest state of oneness achievable by mortals on Earth – a state in which time is virtually non-existent. It is “the real beginning of Freedom” – and a step we will all take on our journey to Ascension.Achievable though it is, Cosmic Consciousness is a rare and…
#57 – How To Attain Cosmic Consciousness
Cosmic Consciousness is the highest state of consciousness we can experience on Earth – a state in which you experience your oneness with the Cosmos…! This state is not only possible, it is also our destiny. Mars Sector 6 tells us Cosmic Consciousness“is not some vague thing which just happens, it is made to happen.”…
#56 – The Lords Of The Sun
Every atom, every amoeba, every rock, every plant, and every animal throughout the universe is conscious to one degree or another. Even planets and stars – like our Earth and the Sun of our Solar System – are living entities in their own right. The greatest beings in the Solar System, with the exception of the planets and the Sun Itself,…
There’s no excuse for atheism!
Do you think that Jesus is the one and only son of God? Do you believe in eternal hell? I don’t believe these things, but that doesn’t make me an atheist. And if you don’t believe these things, that doesn’t make you an atheist either. In fact, my own Spiritual Teacher, Dr. George King –…
#55 – The Perfects of Saturn – The Gods of the Gods (Part 2)
The other planets in our Solar System are teeming with intelligent life. Millions of years more spiritually evolved than us, these civilizations live on higher planes of existence that our science cannot yet detect. No planetary civilization in this system is more advanced than the civilization on Saturn. The Perfects of Saturn, as they are…
#54 – The Perfects of Saturn – The Gods of the Gods (Part 1)
On Saturn and other planets in our Solar System there are civilizations millions of years more advanced than ours that live on higher levels of physical existence. This existence is something our science cannot yet detect but one day it will.The Beings on Saturn are, as far as we are concerned, not just Gods, but…
#53 – The Spiritual Powers Of The Ascended Masters
An Ascended Master is someone with colossal physical, mental, psychic and spiritual powers we cannot begin to imagine… and yet they are real people, from Earth!They are no longer limited to the cycle of reincarnation on Earth – they are free from the wheel of rebirth.In this four-part series, Richard explores the Sixth Freedom given to…
#52 – What The Ascended Masters Do To Help Spirituality On Earth
Master of Yoga Dr. George King said:“The measure of greatness is the degree in which the man can evolve everything he comes into contact with.”Mars Sector 6 describes the people approaching Ascension as “a virtual flame in the darkness…. A flame all transmuting, all vibrant, all living, all light.”In this four-part series, Richard explores the Sixth Freedom given…
#51 – The Spiritual Experience Of God Realization
Ascension is a goal we will all achieve.It is up to us how long we take to get there.In this four-part series, Richard explores the Sixth Freedom given to us by Mars Sector 6 – Ascension.In this week’s episode: Imagine if God were no longer just an idea to you, or even just a belief, but something that…
What’s the point in going to Church?
Good question! And, for many, the question is also the answer, in the sense that there is no answer, or at least not a good enough answer to motivate them into actually going. For certain others – it isn’t even a question. Religion plays no part in their lives whatsoever, and the spiritual urge is…
#50 – How To Attain Ascension (NOT what you think)
Ascension is the destiny of all of us on Earth.But there are no shortcuts to this goal. Ascension is not something anyone can teach you in a weekend course, or that you can pay for.Ascension is freedom from the wheel of rebirth; the point at which you are ready to graduate from this classroom of experience…
The Aetherius Society – A Spiritual Brotherhood
An important aspect of many churches and spiritual organizations is a sense of community. We all naturally like to feel that we are supported, and part of something greater than ourselves. The Aetherius Society, founded by Master of Yoga Dr. George King is no different. In fact, it is part of our aims and objectives…