Blog/Podcast Archives: Posts

#157 – How to Supercharge Your Spiritual Evolution – the Shift That Changes Everything

For thousands of years yogis lived a life of seclusion devoted to God realization – at the expense of the dire immediate needs of the world in crisis around them. Other people have devoted themselves completely to a life of service – but have also stopped going within to nurture the flame of spirituality which…


#156 – How Spiritually Advanced People Use Their Chakras Differently – And What We Can Learn From Them

This week we take another deep dive into the chakras, drawing on Richard’s own meditations and experience to explore how each of the chakras relate to different aspects of life. In this episode, you’ll learn: – The true function of the lower three chakras and their role in survival, right conduct, compassion and intellectual prowess…


#155 – Two years on: what Richard has learned about the journey to Enlightenment

In this episode, I talked to Richard to get a behind the scenes look at what he has learned about the journey to Enlightenment in the two years since his samadhic experience and his more recent glimpse of Cosmic Consciousness. Don’t miss: – Deep insights into the chakras and the mystical power of Kundalini –…


#154 – Three ways to unblock your chakras

Awakening your chakras is key to all spiritual powers and wisdom. In this episode you will learn three simple secrets to help you unblock your chakras so that you can begin to experience the fullness of your Divine potential! This is not just theoretical information. This is precious mystical knowledge that Richard has distilled following his samadhic…


#153 – What REALLY happens when you awaken your chakras

Ever wondered whether the stories you hear about spiritual masters levitating or becoming invisible are true? Some of them are true. And Master of Yoga Dr. George King was one of these masters! Awakening your chakras is the key to all spiritual powers and wisdom. In this blockbuster 1-hour episode I sit down with Richard…


#152 – Loneliness and Spiritual Awakening

Do you ever feel a deep sense of loneliness, perhaps sometimes even when you’re surrounded by other people – and “shouldn’t” feel lonely at all? What if that feeling is a sign of your spiritual awakening – your soul yearning for something more? In this episode we talk about navigating the rocky road of spiritual…


#151 – Is Fear Holding You Back? 3 Ways To Reclaim Your Spiritual Destiny

Why is being who you really are one of the hardest, but also most fulfilling, things you can do? This episode explores the challenges of spiritual self-discovery and living with authenticity. Discover: – How to transform fear, doubt, and social pressure into a life aligned with your unique spiritual destiny instead! – What happens when…


#150 – Unlock the Secrets of Mysticism: The Path to Universal Spiritual Truth Beyond Religious Dogma

“Theologians may quarrel, but the mystics of the world speak the same language.” – Meister Eckhart (1260-1328) What if spirituality wasn’t something that made us different from one another but something that made us the same in our common quest for the Divine? Join us in this week’s episode as we peel back the veil…


#149 – How to avoid burnout after a spiritual awakening (essential listening for spiritual workers)

This episode is essential listening for spiritual workers – people who are at risk of burning out unless they take action to keep that inner flame alive. In this episode you’ll discover: – What spiritual burnout really means – and the good news about what it doesn’t mean – Some of the priceless lessons Richard…


#148 – How to lead a life of greater satisfaction (modern study endorses ancient yoga teaching)

How would you rate your quality of life? If you’re looking for ways to make it better, ancient yoga teaching has some priceless answers…! In this episode you’ll discover: – The surprising revelation that one University study made about the connection between religious beliefs and life satisfaction – What happens when you accept spiritual truth…


#147 – Why you shouldn’t settle for temporary happiness – and what you can change to create a life of lasting inner joy instead

In this week’s episode, Richard and I talk about a key to enriching your life. Not just with fleeting moments of happiness – but with lasting joy. Don’t miss: – Why world-famous psychologist Daniel Kahneman believes there is something better than happiness – What you can change to create lasting inner joy in your life…


#146 – 3 ways to reconnect with your soul (when you’re feeling spiritually stuck)

If you feel at all lost, unfulfilled, or disconnected from your sense of purpose, tune in to this episode because this week we are talking about reconnecting with your soul.Don’t miss:– The under-utilized ability we can all use to escape from the drudgery of ordinary life– How to unblock your chakras and unlock your innate…


#145 – How to make the best of the most difficult situations in life

Friedrich Nietzsche is credited with saying: “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” One of the hardest things in life is finding meaning in the most difficult experiences that we face. In this episode we talk about karma, reincarnation, and how experience can lead us to enlightenment. Don’t miss: –…


#144 – Have you got time to go within? (3 tips for juggling spirituality and daily life)

We can all feel overwhelmed at times by a hectic schedule and lots of responsibilities, BUT it’s so important to make time to nourish our soul. In this episode, we show you some ways of doing this. Don’t miss: – Three practical ways you can make time to go within when you’re juggling spirituality and…


#143 – Three spiritual keys to inner peace

In this show Richard and I talk about three keys to inner peace given in 1958 – by the Master Jesus. Don’t miss: – Simple practices to attain a deeper state of stillness – How the chakras are related to inner peace – The inspiring life and words of a legendary Chinese Master whose timeless…


#142 – How to break free from deep state conditioning (advice for spiritual seekers)

The deep state does not want you to wake up. It does not want you to find your purpose and it does not want you to discover your spiritual potential. In this episode we show you how to break free! Don’t miss: – the sinister truth that goes deeper than the deep state – the…


#141 – Had A Spiritual Awakening? Discover Your Life Purpose

It takes spiritual bravery to find and follow your destiny. And it starts with listening to your inner voice. In this episode, Richard shares priceless advice from his journey to date. Don’t miss: – The purpose of life and how it can help you find your own destiny – Richard’s journey to discover his destiny…


#140 – How To Know Whether You’re Psychic

If you’re wondering whether some of the experiences you’ve been having are real psychic experiences or just your imagination, this episode is for you. In this week’s show, Richard and I talk about: – the surprising story of one of Richard’s earliest psychic experiences – specific tips and insights from Richard to help you tell…


Maldek – “The Lost Water World”

One of the great mysteries of our Solar System is the asteroid belt. First discovered in 1801 by an Italian scientist Giuseppe Piazzi, an astronomer and priest, he had been searching for another planet in the region between Mars and Jupiter. According to calculations, there should be a planet in the exact location of the…


UFOs and Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”

Published around 2,400 years ago, Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” has an incredible relevance to today. Despite the intervening 24 centuries, it shows that the idea of there being a plot to conceal the truth from the masses is not a modern invention. Throughout history, truth has been hidden or altered. In some cases by…


#139 – A Simple Way To Experience Peace (Hint: Chakras)

You can feel a deep sense of peace – we all have this potential. It can sometimes only take a couple of minutes after – or even during – a particularly busy or stressful day to drastically change your state of mind. There are lots of different techniques that people teach but many lack that crucial connection…


#138 – Become A Warrior For Spiritual Truth

Truth has great power. And in an age of disinformation, lies and hidden agendas, some consider truth more important than ever. Whether it means telling someone a home truth essential for their wellbeing, or campaigning for a good cause to help others, we need people who are willing to stand up for truth if we…


Our Role in Divine Intervention

I am sure we have faith that our prayers are helping and healing people who are suffering. We believe that they are inspiring and protecting the brave aid workers: those who are working in difficult and dangerous situations to bring comfort, aid and healing to those who are suffering. There is, however, another aspect to…


#137 – How To Deal with People You Find Difficult (Using Psychic Powers)

We all have to deal with people we find difficult at times – whether it’s an argument at home, a challenging situation at work, or something else. Often it feels like it would just be easier to ignore such people or work around them. But there is a better way you can try. In this…


#136 – Tips For Working With Spirit Guides When You Are Spiritually Awakening

Last month Richard was visited by a Buddhist Lama from the afterlife! It is another inspiring story of a contact with someone who has passed on and is now working in various ways to help people who are doing spiritual work. In this week’s show, Richard speaks from his decades of experience about the different types…


#135 – How To Think About Money On The Spiritual Path

Is money inherently evil? Does spending money make us materialistic? Is it always wrong to accumulate wealth? What is the role of money in our lives – especially when we’re on the spiritual path? In this week’s show, Richard addresses some of the all too common misconceptions about money, wealth and the spiritual path. …


#134 – Experiencing Timelessness (Inspiration for Spiritual Seekers)

When we dumb down profound wisdom, we dumb down our perception of our Divine potential. Whereas when we study and realize profound truth, we realize our Divine potential more deeply. This week’s episode is about going deeper into the true meaning of things – to what is really meant by “meditation”, “enlightenment” and even the…


#133 – A Deeper Understanding of Evolution & Spiritual Awakening (Part 2)

This week we continue with the second instalment of our two-part show about spiritual evolution! Back in September last year, Richard shared an incredible personal story: a cosmic realization about the purpose of life – in one word. Interestingly, leading evolutionary scientists have started to question the commonly understood theory of evolution – and even…


#132 – A Deeper Understanding of Evolution & Spiritual Awakening (Part 1)

Back in September last year, Richard shared an incredible personal story: a cosmic realization about the purpose of life – in one word. Interestingly, leading evolutionary scientists have started to question the commonly understood theory of evolution – and even highlight various shortcomings. The search is on for a more profound understanding of why we…


#131 – The Road To Ascension – Your Spiritual Destiny

Contrary to a lot of the noise you may hear in the New Age Community, there is no shortcut to Ascension. No one graduates from the classroom called Earth with anything less than perfect marks: complete mastery over all experience here. That said, it is true that this extraordinary achievement is the destiny of every…