Be transformed by a unique spiritual experience!
Pilgrimage to Holdstone Down in Devon, South West England, for the 50th Anniversary of Operation Prayer Power
Sunday, June 25th, 2023 – 12 noon
Would you like a spiritual experience that really changed you forever?
Do you believe in life beyond Earth? In the power of crystals? In the power of sacred sound?
Would you like to bathe in the spiritual vibrations of one of the holiest mountains in the world?
If the answer to any of these questions is YES then we warmly invite you to join us on June 25th on the holy mountain Holdstone Down in Devon, South West England.
We will be celebrating the anniversary of the Inauguration of Operation Prayer Power, which took place in this beautiful location 50 years ago.
As well as young pilgrims attending for the first time, many of the pilgrims who will be present actually took part in this event in 1973, and have been coming back to this inspirational beauty spot regularly ever since.
This is because they know from their own personal experience the real sacred power of this magical mountain…!
You can experience this same power for yourself – allow it to raise your consciousness – and become more in tune with the Mother Earth and the Divine living Cosmos.
Even more important still – you can radiate this power outwards to help raise global consciousness.
It is entirely free to attend the event – in fact, we will even gift you the book Realize Your Inner Potential when you arrive!
What to expect on the day
- Drive to the main car park closest to the summit of Holdstone Down. If you don’t have a car, please contact [email protected], who may be able to arrange a lift for you.
- It takes most people about 20 minutes to reach the summit from there by foot.
- The event will start at the summit promptly at 12 noon.
- We begin with guided visualization – tuning in to the sacred ground beneath our feet.
- We then begin to chant holy mantra, while some of our most experienced Members recite headings and prayers from the New Age Bible we call The Twelve Blessings. The spiritual energy invoked is directed into a Spiritual Power Battery for later release (see ‘The True Story of the Holy Mountain Holdstone Down’ below.)
- This lasts around two hours, with breaks, and ends with our closing visualizations. There will also be readings from holy texts between certain mantra sessions.
Important Note
You should be well prepared for sudden changes in the weather – carry both warm and waterproof clothing, including suitable headgear. You are also advised to wear suitable sunscreen. You should also bring water. We also suggest that you have a good breakfast before the pilgrimage, and you may wish to bring a snack with you too. Please note that all pilgrims take part in any pilgrimage at their own risk.

The true story of the holy mountain Holdstone Down
Holdstone Down in Devon, South West England, is one of the holiest places on Earth. It contains powerful transformative spiritual energy to be used for personal and global upliftment.
Holdstone Down is also the location of one of the world’s most important ever alien contacts. The alien being in question was the Master Jesus. Jesus is not the one and only Son of God, but is in fact a highly advanced extraterrestrial intelligence. He came to Earth some 2,000 years ago from another planet to be born among us – to help us in certain ways that were vitally important at that time.

An Englishman named Dr. George King (1919-1997) became the most important medium on Earth when he was chosen in 1954 to become the primary channel for beings from other planets – including the Master Jesus – who had world-changing messages for mankind.
In 1958 Dr. King physically met the Master Jesus on the mountain Holdstone Down. Jesus sent spiritual energy through Dr. King into the mountain. That is how it became the holy place of pilgrimage that it is today.
Pictured right, Dr. King stands by the very spot where Jesus stood in 1958.

This spiritual energy is now available to us – and can never be exhausted. Anyone can go to this mountain and perform a spiritual practice of their choice, and access this power. This applies to people of all religions and none – all you need is the desire to help others.
Every year pilgrims gather together on this mountain to invoke this power through positive visualization, chanting mantras, and dynamic prayer. This energy is radiated outwards for peace, freedom, healing and inspiration throughout the world.

Dr. King designed a special piece of spiritual apparatus, containing crystals, which we call a “Spiritual Power Battery”. In what is known as “Operation Prayer Power”, we invoke spiritual energy through positive visualization, chanting mantras, and dynamic prayer, but instead of radiating it immediately out to the world, it is first stored in a Spiritual Power Battery.
The Batteries are usually charged with spiritual energy at our Temples around the world. Occasionally the Battery is taken to the holy mountain Holdstone Down. Charging it there is especially effective because of the energy in the mountain. The energy in the Battery is later released for peace, freedom, healing and inspiration throughout the world.

The first time one of these Batteries was ever charged with spiritual energy in this way was in June 1973 on Holdstone Down. In 2023 on June 25th we will be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of this holy occasion – the Inauguration of Operation Prayer Power – in this same beautiful location.