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#31 – How To Become Spiritually Enlightened (Part 1)

SFS 31 Six ways to cultivate enlightenment (Part 1)

The Nine Freedoms is your guide through spiritual evolution to Enlightenment and beyond.

In this mystic text from another planet, Mars Sector 6 tells us how to bring about a state of Enlightenment within ourselves – through Bravery, Love and Service. He also tells us what we can do to actively cultivate this spiritual fruit, revealing six ways that we can do this!

In this week’s episode: We kick off a 3-part series exploring six ways that you can cultivate the fruit of Enlightenment in your everyday life.



Join international bestselling author Richard Lawrence to discover the wisdom of The Nine Freedoms and what you can do to apply it in your quest to change the world and open the door of enlightenment. Richard has appeared on hundreds of radio shows around the world and is the author of 11 books including Contacts With The Gods From Space, and Realize Your Inner Potential, both of which he co-authored with Master of Yoga Dr. George King – his spiritual master.

Write to us! Do you have a question, a story or an experience that you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you! Drop us a line at [email protected]

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  1. Chrissie Blaze on February 5, 2022 at 6:13 am

    Thank you, Richard, for your wise, helpful – and enlightening – analysis of this precious nugget of The Nine Freedoms. It’s always a terrific start to a Saturday morning!

    • Darren Ball on February 5, 2022 at 6:59 am

      Many thanks, Chrissie. Be well – stay supremely inspired!

  2. JANE HOLUBIK CANADA on February 5, 2022 at 12:54 pm

    Thank you so much….that was great…but, I wanted to hear more !!! Waiting for the next session !!!

    • Darren Ball on February 5, 2022 at 3:22 pm

      Part 2 in six days 😉 Thanks for tuning in, Jane, and supporting the show! Best, Darren

  3. Alice Opper on February 5, 2022 at 4:13 pm

    Very inspiring as usual – thanks. Certainly agree with using discernment when sharing spiritual experiences or truths, as not everyone is ready to hear them and they may even ridicule you, which is not helpful to you or to them.

    • Darren Ball on February 6, 2022 at 1:55 am

      Hi Alice! Thanks for listening to the show. Yes, indeed. And the positive side is that when someone is ready to hear something, that experience you share can be the crossroads of their evolution. Stay inspired! Blessings, Darren

  4. Sonia on February 12, 2022 at 1:08 pm

    many thanks and many blessings to all for the never ending blessings shows. I am very blessed with 9 freedom and 12blessings bible in the house to study and practice regularly. I feel my crown chakra is open wide, my body is full of vibration and very strong vibration in early morning. It’s meaningful for me to be part of service for humanity. thank you 🙏😇💜💓🌍🌻

    • Darren Ball on February 13, 2022 at 9:05 am

      Many thanks, Sonia, for sharing how much these outstanding teachings have made an impact on you and your spiritual progress. Blessings, Darren

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