Twelve Blessings Services – Online
What are they?
Tune in to our live online services of The Twelve Blessings to radiate spiritual energy for global healing.
These broadcasts are an easy, accessible way to start giving service to others, feel inspired and charge yourself with spiritual energy.
During these online services, the energy that you invoke is dedicated to a specific situation or group of people where it is needed at that time.
How does spiritual energy make a difference?
The spiritual energy you radiate during these Services can help to heal and uplift people who have been affected by the specific crisis in question, and also help strengthen and inspire aid workers in the field, and those working for peace and the relief of suffering in other ways.
What are The Twelve Blessings?
The Twelve Blessings are a series of blessings given in 1958 by the Master Jesus through Dr. King while he was in a trance state of meditation known as samadhi.
Each of the Twelve Blessings is given to a group of spiritual workers, e.g. “They who work for peace,” or advanced cosmic intelligences, e.g. “The Mother Earth.”
Most of the Blessings have a prayer afterwards. In fact, the whole of The Twelve Blessings can be used as a powerful mystic practice to invoke and send out spiritual energy – which is how we use it in these online Services.
When are they?
Please see our online Services schedule for a complete listing of upcoming online Services.
Each service lasts about 30 minutes.
Doing the practice at the same time as others is even more powerful than doing it alone, and the online Service is a way to join in spiritual cooperation no matter where you live or how far away you are from like-minded spiritual seekers.
Special online Services
We occasionally organize services during emergency situations to give anyone, anywhere, a powerful, positive way to respond to crises such as outbreaks of disease; violence; so-called natural disasters; and acts of war and terror.
How to tune in
Please visit the Twelve Blessings website to tune in to these online services. Alternatively, you can download the Mixlr app for iOS and Android, and search for "twelve_blessings".
Listen to one of our previous broadcasts
It's free
Participation is completely free and open to spiritual seekers of all faiths, beliefs and backgrounds.
What to expect during the Service

Simple guided practices
Follow along with simple mystic visualizations and breathing exercises, which will help to inspire and uplift you, and make you a better channel for spiritual energy.
The practice of The Twelve Blessings
Send out spiritual energy for peace, and to specific areas of the world in need which have been affected by war, natural catastrophes, etc.

Readings from The Twelve Blessings
Listen to the words of the Master Jesus from The Twelve Blessings, which reveal profound spiritual truths.
Each service is about 30 minutes long.
We use a very simple service format that is easy to join in with even if it is your first time tuning in.
Prayer is one of the most important practices in Aetherius Society teachings; it is a way of invoking and sending out spiritual energy in order to help yourself and others.
If you are not familiar with the prayers we use during these Services and you’d like a copy of the free prayer sheet, subscribe here and we’ll send it to you by email, together with our introductory series of spiritual wisdom from The Twelve Blessings.
Alternatively, you may wish to remain silent and just focus on the experience and allow the energy to flow through you. Either way, if you participate with an open heart and mind, it can be a powerful spiritual experience.
What are people saying about The Twelve Blessings Online Services?
The prayers from The Twelve Blessings are beautifully given & done with much love & sincerity. I am humbled and honored to be able to join in with your group.
– Mary, Canada
I felt the power all the way here in Richmond, VA. God bless you all.
– Daniel, USA
My hands were vibrating during the prayer for the cyclone in the Pacific…
– Katrina, UK
Tuned in from Tucson, AZ… I feel charged with energy! And what a powerful prayer for the Middle East! Thank you for this opportunity to join as a group soul and be of service.
– Heidi, USA
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’ve been tuning in to The Twelve Blessings online services the last three weeks. The energies this evening were exceptional!
– Sonia, USA
Powerful, soulful, inspirational…
– Rita, USA